We systematically identify, assess, and resolve a broad spectrum of current and potential risks that might compromise our ability to operate safely and responsibly. Diamondback’s senior leaders also monitor emerging trends and shifting conditions in the energy industry— ranging from new regulatory requirements to the impacts of global climate change—so we are prepared to respond effectively.
Diamondback facilities experienced no major security incidents in 2018. Even so, we are vigilant about safeguarding our people and property.
Our security experts regularly deploy and update technologies designed to thwart accidental or intentional threats. Protective measures added in 2018 include a SCADA-based monitoring system that uses video cameras and thermal sensors to relay up-to-the-minute views of the fluid levels in our tanks, track vehicle arrivals and departures in real time, and detect spills. The cameras and sensors also help us quickly identify and respond to weather-related incidents, such as fires or power outages sparked by lightning strikes.
Diamondback’s information technology (IT) security is always evolving. We continually harden our systems to repel threats and minimize damage from a breach. Our IT personnel and end users also receive training in cybersecurity best practices.
Due to the nature of our work, we prepare for the unexpected by developing emergency response plans to cover the most likely situations we would face, including natural disasters and human threats. In coordination with city officials, police, firefighters, and medical teams, we distribute these plans through multiple channels and update them yearly or whenever significant changes in the community occur.
Each of our corporate and field-office facilities has its own written plan that includes information on how to safely evacuate the building. Teams of employees are trained to assist their co-workers in the event of a fire, bomb threat, or other crisis.
Most of Diamondback’s operations are in non-populated areas. In situations where our work poses a potential risk, we assign personnel to communicate with concerned residents and monitor our daily operations to mitigate any adverse impacts. We also install automated monitoring equipment at all production facilities to help safeguard people and the environment.