Annual Review 2010


Karl-Axel Mentzoni is a Norwegian businessman in the health and nutrition industry, and one of Rezidor’s most loyal guests: travelling for about a fortnight a month. He stays at Radisson Blu wherever he can. We caught up with him during a trip to Uganda – not yet in a Radisson Blu property (we’re working on extending our African portfolio to Uganda soon, Mr Mentzoni – that’s a promise!), to talk about his preferred hotel brand.

As a Norwegian, I was of course very familiar with your former name Radisson SAS. Whenever I heard of it, I always thought of good hotels. I can’t remember exactly when I stayed with you for the first time, but I now stay at Radisson Blu whenever I can find one in the destination I travel to.

My favourite hotel is the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Brussels. It’s right in the heart of the city, and you can be sure of a good rest and complete peace of mind there. I feel relaxed as soon as I enter the lobby and see the goldfish in the aquarium (speaking of which, the only thing I sometimes miss in this hotel is a pool!). During the summer of 2009, one of my visits to Brussels lasted a full month – I was a bit worried about being away from home for such a long time, but then I felt so pampered at the hotel and so looked after that I ended up having a great time.

I like your bathrooms and your beds are just great (except for the lighting, which could be better… my eyesight isn’t what it used to be!), and the Nespresso machine in your business class rooms really makes my day – so different from instant coffee. Another thing that I greatly appreciate is the free Internet access – being online is so important for me and my business, and I can get very upset when I have to pay for it or when it’s not working. 

But above all, I think what makes Radisson Blu so different is the staff. A hotel might have nice architecture, nice rooms and nice food – but if the people aren’t nice, you won’t enjoy the experience. At Radisson Blu, everybody from the chambermaid to the General Manager, is friendly and professional. And they really care. I remember one particular time at the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Brussels, when I arrived, the Concierge came out, helped me with my luggage and called me by my name, which was just amazing. Such an excellent attitude and a constant willingness to help and do things right make you feel valued as a customer.

When you launched your loyalty programme goldpoints plus in 2003, I remember seeing the enrolment form and realising that it would pay off to join the programme. I enjoy the benefits and especially the Points & Cash redemption nights, for which I accumulate Gold Points®. This is a real plus that most other programmes don’t offer.

I think the only time of the year when I don’t stay at Radisson Blu is during my vacation, simply because I love our summerhouse. But my wife is keen on travelling to one of your resorts, so we might soon explore some of your nice properties, maybe by using all the Gold Points® I have in my account!

© Rezidor 2010