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Notes to the Company Financial Statements

Notes 6-10

7. Share-based payments

The Company currently uses a number of equity settled share plans to grant options and shares to the directors and employees of its subsidiary undertakings, as listed below.

Share option schemes

  • Vodafone Group savings related and Sharesave schemes
  • Vodafone Group executive schemes
  • Vodafone Group 1999 Long Term Stock Incentive Plan and ADSs
  • Other share option plans

Share plans

  • Share Incentive Plan
  • Restricted share plans

At 31 March 2008, the Company had 373 million ordinary share options outstanding (2007: 584 million) and 1 million ADS options outstanding (2007: 3 million).

The Company has made a capital contribution to its subsidiary undertakings in relation to share-based payments. At 31 March 2008, the cumulative capital contribution net of payments received from subsidiary undertakings was £313 million (31 March 2007: £397 million, 1 April 2006: £383 million). During the year ended 31 March 2008, the capital contribution arising from share-based payments was £107 million (2007: £93 million), with payments of £191 million (2007: £79 million) received from subsidiary undertakings.

Full details of share-based payments, share option schemes and share plans are disclosed in note 20 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.