Revolution Work Transformation
From the Personal Harbor
  of Jim Hackett
The Road to Six Billion and Beyond
The Six Growth Strategies
    The Callaway Golf Ball Company
    Reliance Industries
    Lan Chile
    Glaxo Wellcome
Information for Our Investors
Steelcase Offerings Around
  the World
Financial Highlights
Consolidated Statements of Income
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Statements of Changes
  in Shareholders' Equity
Consolidated Statements of Cash
Notes to Consolidated Financial
Report of Independent Certified
  Public Accountants and
  Management's Responsibility
  for Financial Reporting
Directors and Executive Officers

  The Year 2000 revolution at The Callaway Golf Ball Company.
Chairman Ely Callaway had promised the golfing world that Callaway Golf would introduce a revolutionary new golf ball in year 2000. To fulfill this promise, the company had to design the product from scratch. They hired experts from around the world and built a new, state-of-the-art facility that emphasized creativity, teamwork, communication, collaboration and flexibility.

The Callaway golf ball team not only had to move quickly, they also had to be able to turn on a dime and "plug and play" wherever they happened to be. Pathways — with its flexibility, access to computing and communications
technologies, reconfigurable walls and mobile furniture - provided the tools that the team needed to do just that... and that the company needed to meet both its short- and long-range goals for the new facility.

The new ball made a successful debut right on time.