Revolution Work Transformation
From the Personal Harbor
  of Jim Hackett
The Road to Six Billion and Beyond
The Six Growth Strategies Illustrated
Information for Our Investors
Steelcase Offerings Around
  the World
Financial Highlights
    Results of Operations
    Liquidity and Capital Resources
    Year 2000
    Euro Conversion
    Safe Harbor Provision
    Recently Issued Accounting
Consolidated Statements of Income
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Statements of Changes   in Shareholders' Equity
Consolidated Statements of Cash
Notes to Consolidated Financial
Report of Independent Certified
  Public Accountants and
  Management's Responsibility
  for Financial Reporting
Directors and Executive Officers

ST E E L C A S E  I N C.
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

There are certain forward-looking statements under the Liquidity and Capital Resources, Year 2000, and Euro Conversion sections, particularly those with respect to the Company’s future liquidity and capital needs, future capital expenditures, conversion of Class B common shares to Class A common shares, the expected ability of and costs to the Company and its key customers, dealers and suppliers to successfully manage Year 2000 issues, and the impact of the euro conversion on the financial position of Steelcase Strafor and the Company. Such statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to vary from stated expectations. The Company’s performance may differ materially from that contemplated by such statements for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, competitive and general economic conditions domestically and internationally; currency fluctuations; changes in customer order patterns; the success of new products and their continuing impact on the Company’s manufacturing processes; the Company’s ability to improve margins on new products, to successfully integrate acquired businesses, to reduce costs, including ramp up costs associated with new products, and to successfully implement technology initiatives; the impact on the Company’s business due to internal systems or systems of suppliers, key customers, dealers and other third parties adversely affected by Year 2000 issues; costs, including claims, due to Year 2000 issues and remediation efforts; the impact of the euro conversion, the sufficiency of the reserve established with regard to material and installation costs associated with Pathways product line improvements and other risks detailed in the Company’s 10-K Report for the year ended February 25, 2000, and its other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.