statements of consolidated income
Years Ended December 31,

(In millions except share and per share amounts) 2000 1999 1998



$ 27,052 $ 24,788
Operating expenses:
Compensation and benefits 16,546 15,285 14,346
Other 8,713 7,862 7,439
25,259 23,147 21,785
Operating profit 4,512 3,905 3,003
Other income and (expense):
Investment income


197 126
Interest expense


(228) (227)
Tax assessment

322 (1,817) (101)
Income before income taxes 4,834 2,088 2,902
Income taxes 1,900 1,205 1,161
Net income


2,934 $ 883 $ 1,741
Basic earnings per share $ 2.54 $ 0.79 $ 1.59
Diluted earnings per share $ 2.50 $ 0.77 $ 1.57
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

Complete annual report availablein PDF
Special note regarding forward-looking statements.
United Parcel Service, Inc.