Proposal 3: Stockholder Proposal to Amend

Proposal 3: Stockholder Proposal to Amend

Corporate Bylaws to Establish a Board Committee

Corporate Bylaws to Establish a Board Committee

on Sustainability

on Sustainability


Harrington Investments, Inc., owner of $2,000 or more of Intel common stock, proposes the following resolution:

Amend Article III, Section 9 of the Bylaws, to add a new paragraph (e) as follows:

Section 9(e) Board Committee on Sustainability: There is established a Board Committee on Sustainability. The committee is authorized to address corporate policies, above and beyond matters of legal compliance, in order to ensure our corporation's sustained viability. The committee shall strive to enhance shareholder value by responding to changing conditions and knowledge of the natural environment, including but not limited to, natural resource limitations, energy use, waste disposal, and climate change.

The Board of Directors is authorized in its discretion, consistent with these Bylaws and applicable law to: (1) select the members of the Board Committee on Sustainability, (2) provide said committee with funds for operating expenses, (3) adopt regulations or guidelines to govern said Committee's operations, (4) empower said Committee to solicit public input and to issue periodic reports to shareholders and the public, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, on the Committee's activities, findings and recommendations, and (5) adopt any other measures within the Board's discretion consistent with these Bylaws and applicable law.

Nothing herein shall restrict the power of the Board of Directors to manage the business and affairs of the company. The Board Committee on Sustainability shall not incur any costs to the company except as authorized by the Board of Directors.

Supporting Statement

The committee would be authorized to initiate, review, and make policy recommendations regarding the company's preparation to adapt to changes in marketplace and environmental conditions that may affect the sustainability of our business. Issues related to sustainability might include, but are not limited to: global climate change, emerging concerns regarding toxicity of materials, resource shortages, and biodiversity loss.

Adoption of this resolution would reinforce our company's position as an industry leader in this area of increasing concern to investors and policy makers.

Board of Directors' Response

The Board of Directors has long recognized the importance of sustainability. In 2003, the Board amended the charter of the Corporate Governance Committee (now the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee) to act with regard to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The charter states that this committee:

Reviews and reports to the Board on a periodic basis with regards to matters of Corporate Responsibility performance, such as environmental, workplace or stakeholder issues, as appropriate, and the company's public reporting with regards to these topics.

The Board does not believe that an additional, redundant board committee is necessary to manage sustainability issues. Intel's commitment to the environment and corporate social responsibility are expressed in Intel's Code of Conduct and Principles for Responsible Business. The Code of Conduct states:

We demonstrate respect for people and the planet and ask all our employees to consider the short and long-term impacts to the environment and the community when they make business decisions. In all Intel-related activities, we need to uphold Intel's long-standing, global reputation as a role model for socially responsible behavior.

Intel's position as a global benchmark in sustainability is well known and long-standing. Intel has been a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for nine consecutive years (since inception of the list) and the Supersector Leader of all technology companies for seven consecutive years. Innovest Strategic Value Advisors gave Intel an AAA rating and named Intel one of the 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World for the last four years (since inception of the list). Intel has been named one of the top 20 Best Corporate Citizens for 10 years in a row by Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Officer (CRO) magazines, and this year was named Best Corporate Citizen in its sector and Best Corporate Citizen among the Russell 1000. Intel received more than 50 awards and other recognition in both 2006 and 2007 for its social responsibility and sustainability performance.

The Board also opposes this proposal due to the format it is using. Intel's Bylaws have always included a provision that allows the Board to establish committees at its discretion. Each of our committees, and the position of Lead Independent Director, is established with a written charter that is published on our web site. Committee charters are amended from time to time to evolve as appropriate. The stockholder proposal would directly amend the Bylaws to create a new committee when no other committee (such as Audit or Compensation) is established in that manner. We see no reason why this committee should be specifically established through this unique and unnecessary process. As we have noted above, the functions of this proposed new committee are currently within the charter of an existing Board committee.

The Board believes that Intel's leadership on sustainability and corporate social responsibility matters is clear and strongly supports maintaining the Board's current governance structure.

Recommendation of the Board

The Board of Directors recommends that you vote "AGAINST" this proposal amending the Bylaws to establish a Board committee on sustainability.

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