Compensation Discussion and Analysis

Compensation Discussion and Analysis


The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors determines the compensation for our executive officers. The committee considers, adopts, reviews, and revises executive officer compensation plans, programs, and guidelines and reviews and determines all components of each individual executive officer's compensation. The committee also consults with management regarding non-executive employee compensation plans and programs, including administering our equity incentive plans.

This section of the proxy statement explains how our executive compensation programs are designed and operate with respect to our listed officers (the CEO, CFO, and three other most highly compensated executive officers in a particular year). In October 2007, Stacy J. Smith succeeded Andy D. Bryant as CFO; therefore, in 2008 we have six listed officers. Because Mr. Smith was not an executive officer at the beginning of the year, the committee did not determine his base salary, annual incentive cash baseline, or equity awards for 2007, but the committee did set these amounts for 2008. The "Executive Compensation" section presents compensation earned by the listed officers in 2007, 2006, and 2005.

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