Fairchild products connect the Internet
No matter where you go, there we are, moving data and
signals across the vast array of servers, storage networks, communications
switches, transmission equipment, and high speed data links that together
make up the Internet infrastructure. Fairchild's interface and logic products
are in the center of it all, operating where different portions of the
infrastructure come together, whether they are connecting chips to chips,
circuit boards to circuit boards, or systems to systems.
As the buildout of the Internet continues, and network
system complexity grows, the critical job of connecting one part of the
system to another becomes increasingly important. The key to doing this
job well? Provide just the right combination of speed, low power, low
electrical noise, and small packaging. For example, Fairchild's GTLP transceivers
supply high performance parallel data interfacing in the backplanes of
communications switches, enterprise storage equipment, and Internet routers
and access equipment. These products utilize patented edge rate control
circuits, reducing electrical noise while providing interface speeds up
to four times faster than the chips they replace.
Our interface products also help engineers design flexibility
into their applications. Fairchild's switch products have patented undershoot
protection circuitry which is used in complex Internet servers to protect
against voltage signal spikes that can occur when additional circuit boards
are added during system upgrades. These same bus switch products provide
isolation in notebook computers, allowing peripherals like CD-ROM drives
and floppy disc drives to be inserted while the computer is operating,
a process called "hot-swapping." And they allow faster data exchange between
the microprocessor and the DRAM memory bank in PC, notebook computer,
and server applications.
Fairchild's Interface products...helping to make the
Internet faster and more flexible...no matter where you go.