Terms and Conditions
Nabors Industries makes forward-looking statements in these materials about our future performance and results. Some, but not all, of these statements are identifiable by words such as “outlook”, “project”, “estimate”, and “predict”. Please understand, however, that our business involves risks and uncertainties, some of which could cause the future to be materially different than our forward-looking statements indicate. Among other things, our business involves risks resulting from future oil and gas price uncertainty and uncertainty regarding future drilling markets and dayrates. Because this material is in summary form, it does not contain a full discussion of all the risks, uncertainties and other information that may be important to you. Before making any decision regarding Nabors Industries or its securities, you should review not only this material, but also the other information we provide, including the information we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The information on this web site is as of the dates indicated and may not be accurate as of a later date. We disclaim any obligation to update the content of this web site.
We also disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy of or for updating the content of third-party websites linked to or accessible from this site or the content of this web site labeled as being from a third-party source.
The content of this web site does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy securities.