100 Years Strong: ITW Deltar

The 1939 employees of Shakeproof, ITW's first auto division, and leaders representing today's core auto groups in ITW Deltar.
Katie Thomason, Manager of Operations - Automotive Fastener; Franco Cisternino, General Manager - Fuel Systems; Matthew Davis, General Manager - Filtration; Laura Anderson, General Manager - Body and Interior


ITW's transportation platform is nearly as old as the company itself. From Shakeproof to Deltar, solving customer problems has shaped the auto industry and created a foundation for organic, profitable growth.

The evolution of the ITW transportation platform appears much like a family tree, beginning with ITW's very first acquisition of the Shakeproof Screw and Nut Lock Company in 1923, a move that perfectly anticipated the rising demand for mass-produced automobiles in America. Shakeproof's metal screw and washer products business then spun off the plastic fastener group Fastex, which served a wide range of industrial applications.

Recognizing that the automotive market had very different needs from Fastex's industrial customers, Fastex was inspired to spin off a new company, Deltar, in 1969. Within a few years, Deltar's innovative auto components were generating $1 million in revenue each month. What began as a small fastener start-up within ITW—just two desks stashed in the Fastex accounting department—is now a worldwide business and a major driver of profitable growth for ITW.

Deltar's innovation has been key to this strong organic growth, even within the entrenched North American markets. Early inventions like the Deltar Magic EYE battery indicator and the industry's first lightweight, snap-in plastic door handle—launched by Chrysler in the early 1980s—served as stepping stones to separate the Components and Motion divisions. Deltar also created the first all-plastic air conditioning filter, which in turn led to a separate Filtration group. Deltar's "Christmas tree" door fasteners became a global standard for the industry. Products introduced in more recent years have the potential to do the same.

With each major innovation, Deltar's core divisions of Body and Interior, Powertrain, Filtration and Fasteners expanded. These divisions and subdivisions, along with acquisitions and start-ups in emerging markets, are serving—and even creating—more automotive market segments. Deltar represents what ITW does so well: divisions and businesses that grow organically through specialized products that solve customers' problems. A good dose of the entrepreneurial spirit helps as well.

"We've never focused on churning out commodities," explains Bob Dutzi, a vice president and general manager at Deltar. "Instead, our people work together to find new ways to solve problems. And like all entrepreneurs, we take some risks. There's a competitive spirit in our businesses to see what we can achieve."

The traditions that began with Shakeproof are very much alive today. In 2011, Deltar's Interior group applied for patents on a new kind of assist grip, which has the potential to become a separate business division. Deltar Fuel Systems internally launched a capless refueling system for Ford and GM, earning a Chicago Innovation Award. (The system is launching in early 2012.) Deltar also patented a Halo auto clip for Toyota, which enhances the assembly process and elevates the product from regional to global distribution. And while electric cars are not yet mainstream, Deltar is preparing for the next chapter in the industry by developing better battery construction and charge ports.