HealthExtras is committed to becoming the preferred source for health and disability insurance. A critical component of our strategy has been to enter into sales and marketing agreements with the leading financial institutions. Through these relationships, HealthExtras has access to millions of qualified households and small businesses. Working with our partners, HealthExtras educates consumers and small businesses about the need for, and availability of, affordable health and disability protection.

To further drive online enrollments, HealthExtras launched a new web site that features enhanced navigation and intuitive design.

By visiting, individuals and small businesses can purchase customized HealthExtras benefit programs, and interact in real-time with the Company's customer care representatives. Unlike most insurance web sites that produce offline broker calls and no immediate coverage, the HealthExtras site enables customers to find and purchase the right coverage in a safe and secure online environment.

Furthermore, while insurance distribution costs can be reduced by more than 70% through effective use of the Internet(1), the vast majority of insurance products marketed online are nevertheless bound and fulfilled offline. Therefore, most insurance products acquired online are no less expensive than offline quotes, which means that consumers fail to realize any savings. The HealthExtras model is different because it leverages the operating efficiencies and worldwide reach of the Internet in dramatically lowering the cost of insurance products to consumers and small businesses.

  • Our web site offers consumers and small businesses customizable solutions to their insurance and financial planning needs.
  • 33 million Americans will use the Internet for health-related information in 2000.(2)
  • Internet-influenced insurance sales are projected to grow from $1.5 billion to $11 billion by 2003.(2)


(1) Booz, Allen & Hamilton
(2) Forrester Research

About HealthExtras | Letter to Shareholders | Addressing the Need
Raising Awareness | Becoming the Preferred Source |Board of Directors | 1999 Financial Review