Management is responsible for the preparation
of the Company's consolidated financial statements and all
related information appearing in this Report. The statements
and notes have been prepared in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States and include
some amounts, which are estimates based upon currently available
information and management's judgment of current conditions
and circumstances. The Company engaged Arthur Andersen LLP,
independent public accountants, to examine the consolidated
financial statements. Their report appears on this page.
To provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded
against loss from unauthorized use or disposition and that
accounting records are reliable for preparing financial statements,
management maintains a system of accounting and controls,
including an internal audit program. The system of accounting
and controls is improved and modified in response to changes
in business conditions and operations and recommendations
made by the independent public accountants and the internal
The Board of Directors has an Audit Committee whose members
are not employees of the Company. The Committee meets periodically
with management, internal auditors and representatives of
the Company's independent public accountants to review the
Company's program of internal controls, audit plans and results
and the recommendations of the internal and external auditors
and management's responses to those recommendations.