Fleetwood Enterprises Inc, Year 2000 Annual Report Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


18. Stockholder Rights Plan
On September 15, 1998, the Company’s Board of Directors adopted a new stockholder rights agreement to replace the previous plan which expired on November 9, 1998, granting certain new rights to holders of the Company’s Common stock. Under the new plan, which was effective November 10, 1998, one right was granted for each share of Common stock held as of November 9, 1998, and one right will be granted for each share subsequently issued. Each right entitles the holder, in an unfriendly takeover situation, and after paying the exercise price (currently $160), to purchase Fleetwood Common stock having a market value equal to two times the exercise price. Also, if the Company is merged into another corporation, or if 50 percent or more of the Company’s assets are sold, then rightholders are entitled, upon payment of the exercise price, to buy common shares of the acquiring corporation at a 50 percent discount from their then-current market value. In either situation, these rights are not available to the acquiring party. However, these exercise features will not be activated if the acquiring party makes an offer to acquire all of the Company’s outstanding shares at a price which is judged by the Board of Directors to be fair to all Fleetwood stockholders. The rights may be redeemed by the Company under certain circumstances at the rate of $.02 per right. The rights will expire on November 9, 2008.