Financial Information
Contractual Obligations
(1) Includes principal as well as interest payments.
The preceding table does not reflect unrecognized tax benefits as of year-end 2012 of $29 million. As a large taxpayer, we are under continual audit by the IRS and other taxing authorities. We anticipate resolving an international issue related to financing activity during the next 12 months related to an unrecognized tax balance of $5 million. Although the resolution of this issue could have a significant impact on our unrecognized tax balance, we do not anticipate that it will have a material impact on our financial statements. See Footnote No. 2, “Income Taxes,” to our Financial Statements for more information.
In addition to the purchase obligations noted in the preceding table, in the normal course of the hotel management business, we enter into purchase commitments to manage the daily operating needs of hotels that we manage for owners. Since we are reimbursed from the cash flows of the hotels, these obligations have minimal impact on our net income and cash flow.
The following table summarizes our guarantee commitments as of year-end 2012:
Guarantee Commitments
In conjunction with financing obtained for specific projects or properties owned by joint ventures in which we are a party, we may provide industry standard indemnifications to the lender for loss, liability or damage occurring as a result of our actions or the actions of the other joint venture owner.
We also had the following investment commitments outstanding at year-end 2012:
Investment Commitments
For further information on our investment commitments, including the nature of the commitments and their expirations, see the “Commitments and Letters of Credit” caption within Footnote No. 14, “Contingencies,” to our Financial Statements.
At year-end 2012, we also had $68 million of letters of credit outstanding ($67 million outside the Credit Facility and $1 million under our Credit Facility), the majority of which were for our self-insurance programs. Surety bonds issued as of year-end 2012 totaled $120 million, the majority of which federal, state, and local governments requested in connection with our self-insurance programs.