Each division has developed an Aboriginal or Diversity Strategy, which identifies the ways in which it will ensure that employment opportunities are available to Aboriginal people, as well as identifying opportunities to build our workforce’s respect and understanding of Aboriginal culture and people.

This year, each division conducted a survey of its current workforce, to determine how many self-identified Aboriginal people we currently employ. This baseline measurement has enabled the Group to determine that Aboriginal people are currently under represented in our workforce, with approximately 0.8 per cent of survey respondents identifying as Aboriginal. Survey response rates varied by division depending on how the survey was conducted; through electronic human resources systems, a broader culture survey or a purpose-designed survey. An estimated two per cent of the total working-age population in Australia is Aboriginal. This baseline measurement will provide one method of measuring the success of our Aboriginal Engagement strategy in coming years.

Main highlights

Creating opportunities

Many divisions have started piloting specific Aboriginal employment programs for their businesses, especially in areas with a high Aboriginal population. For example, Coles has focused on Far North Queensland, with its successful Aboriginal employment initiative in Cairns and Edmonton. Target has been developing its school-based traineeship program in WA, SA and NT, which will be launched at the beginning of 2011.

Wesfarmers is also creating opportunities for teenage Aboriginal boys, through its renewed and increased sponsorship of the Clontarf Foundation, which uses Australian Rules football to keep kids in school.

Building relationships

The inaugural Wesfarmers Aboriginal Network Day was held in August 2010, with interested parties and ‘champions’ from across the divisions gathering to learn from each other’s experiences, as well as those of other organisations.

Our businesses are also starting to build relationships with their local Aboriginal communities, through advisory roles, community involvement and welcome to country ceremonies.

Building respect

Building our workforce’s respect for Aboriginal culture and history is one way that we can promote understanding and reconciliation across the country. We have developed induction materials for use by our businesses for new employees and many divisions have undertaken specific cultural awareness training for relevant staff.

Tracking progress

A full report against the actions identified in our 2009 Reconciliation Action Plan can be found at www.wesfarmers.com.au

2011 priority areas
  • Each division will implement its Aboriginal strategy, with a focus on employment initiatives
  • Incorporating cultural awareness material in induction and other training processes
  • Share Aboriginal employment knowledge and experience between businesses
  • Build local relationships between our businesses and Clontarf academies, to achieve employment outcomes for Clontarf school leavers
Action Plan

Wesfarmers is creating opportunities for Aboriginal teenagers, through its increased sponsorship of the Clontarf Foundation.

Wesfarmers working with Jawun Indigenous Corporate Partnerships

Jawun secondees in the East Kimberley with Brenda Garstone and her family.

Guy Russo (Kmart), Richard Goyder (Wesfarmers) and Stuart Machin (Coles), with members of the Ringers Soak community in the East Kimberley.

Wesfarmers has partnered with Jawun Indigenous Corporate Partnerships, and has provided 11 secondees from across our businesses to support Aboriginal organisations in the East Kimberley in 2010. Each secondee was in the East Kimberley for five weeks, using their knowledge and experience to assist organisations that are working for the social and economic inclusion of Aboriginal people in the area.

For example, Dylan Murdoch, Coles’ Store Manager of the Year, spent five weeks in Kununurra, assisting the Wunan Foundation to improve its employment services. While on secondment, Dylan and three other Wesfarmers secondees were visited by Wesfarmers’ Managing Director, Richard Goyder, and senior staff from Coles and Kmart.

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