About our business

One of Australia’s leading department store retailers, Target aims to provide great style, great value clothing, homewares and general merchandise to satisfy the needs of Australian families. Target is positioned between the high-end department stores and the discount department stores and offers a unique combination of product, value and convenience.

The core product ranges at Target include womenswear, intimate apparel, menswear, childrenswear, accessories, soft homewares, electrical, toys and other general merchandise. Our key point of difference is the use of Target branded product, with national brands and licences used to complement the Target range.

In June 2010, more than 24,000 team members were employed in 171 Target stores and 119 Target Country stores throughout metropolitan and regional Australia.

Our full year sales in 2009/10 were $3.8 billion and we opened three Target stores and four Target Country stores.

About Our Business

Year in review

2010/2011 Priorities/Outcomes

Performance charts



Carbon and energy



Economic investment

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