Board of directors and Group management
Directors and senior management
Our business is managed by our Board of directors (‘the Board’). Biographical details of the directors and senior management at 17 May 2011 are as follows:
Board of directors
1. Sir John Bond†, aged 69, became Chairman of Vodafone Group Plc in July 2006, having previously served as a non-executive director of the Board, and is Chairman of the Nominations and Governance Committee. He is Chairman of Xstrata plc and a non-executive director of A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S and Shui On Land Limited (Hong Kong SAR). He retired from the position of Group Chairman of HSBC Holdings plc in May 2006. Previous non-executive directorships include the London Stock Exchange plc, Orange plc, British Steel plc, the Court of the Bank of England and Ford Motor Company, US. He is also an advisor to Northern Trust in Chicago. Sir John will retire from the Board at the conclusion of the Company’s AGM on 26 July 2011.
Executive directors
2. Vittorio Colao, Chief Executive, aged 49, was appointed Chief Executive of Vodafone Group Plc after the AGM in July 2008. He joined the Board in October 2006 as Chief Executive, Europe and Deputy Chief Executive. The early part of his career was spent in the Milan office of McKinsey & Co working on media, telecommunications and industrial goods, with additional responsibility for recruitment. In 1996 he joined Omnitel Pronto Italia, which subsequently became Vodafone Italy, and was appointed Chief Executive in 1999. He was then appointed Regional Chief Executive Officer, Southern Europe for Vodafone Group Plc in 2001, became a member of the Board in 2002 and was appointed to the role of Regional Chief Executive Officer for Southern Europe, Middle East and Africa for Vodafone in 2003. In 2004 he left Vodafone to join RCS MediaGroup, the leading Italian publishing company, where he was Chief Executive until he rejoined Vodafone as Chief Executive Officer, Europe. He sits on the International Advisory Board of Bocconi University, Italy.
3. Andy Halford, Chief Financial Officer, aged 52, joined the Board in July 2005. He joined Vodafone in 1999 as Financial Director for Vodafone Limited, the UK operating company, and in 2001 he became Financial Director for Vodafone’s Northern Europe, Middle East and Africa region. In 2002 he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of Verizon Wireless in the US and is currently a member of the Board of Representatives of the Verizon Wireless partnership. Prior to joining Vodafone he was Group Finance Director at East Midlands Electricity Plc. In December 2010 he was appointed as Chairman of The Hundred Group of Finance Directors in the UK. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Economics from Nottingham University and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
4. Michel Combes, aged 49, Chief Executive Officer, Europe Region, was appointed to the Board in June 2009, having joined the Company in October 2008. He began his career at France Telecom in 1986 in the External Networks Division and then moved to the Industrial and International Affairs Division. After being technical advisor to the Minister of Transportation from 1991 to 1995, he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of GlobeCast from 1995 to 1999. He was Executive Vice President of Nouvelles Frontieres Group from December 1999 until the end of 2001 when he moved to the position of Chief Executive Officer of Assystem-Brime, a company specialising in industrial engineering. He returned to France Telecom Group in 2003 as Senior Vice President of Group Finance and Chief Financial Officer. Until January 2006 he was Senior Executive Vice President, in charge of NExT Financial Balance & Value Creation and a member of the France Telecom Group Strategic Committee. From 2006 to 2008 he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of TDF Group. He is President of the Supervisory Board of Assystem SA in France and serves as a non-executive director on the boards of ISS Equity A/S, ISS Holding A/S and ISS A/S.
5. Stephen Pusey, aged 49, Group Chief Technology Officer, joined Vodafone in September 2006 and was appointed to the Board in June 2009. He is responsible for all aspects of Vodafone’s networks, IT capability and research and development. Prior to joining Vodafone he held the positions of Executive Vice President and President, Nortel EMEA, having joined Nortel in 1982 where he gained a wealth of international experience across both the wireline and wireless industries and in business applications and solutions. Prior to Nortel, he spent several years with British Telecom.
Deputy Chairman and senior independent director
6. John Buchanan§†, aged 67, became Deputy Chairman and senior independent director in July 2006 and has been a member of the Board since April 2003. He retired from the board of directors of BP p.l.c. in 2002 after six years as Group Chief Financial Officer and executive director following a wide-ranging career with the company. He was a member of the United Kingdom Accounting Standards Board from 1997 to 2001. He is Chairman of Smith & Nephew plc, Senior Independent Director of BHP Billiton Plc, Chairman of The International Chamber of Commerce (UK) and is Chairman of the trustees for the UK Christchurch Earthquake Appeal. Previous non-executive directorships include AstraZeneca plc and Boots plc.
Non-executive directors
7. Alan Jebson§, aged 61, joined the Board in December 2006. In May 2006 he retired from his role as Group Chief Operating Officer of HSBC Holdings plc, a position which included responsibility for IT and Global Resourcing. During a long career with HSBC he held various positions in IT including the position of Group Chief Information Officer. His roles included responsibility for the Group’s international systems including the consolidation of HSBC and Midland systems following the acquisition of Midland Bank in 1993. He originally joined HSBC as Head of IT Audit in 1978 where, building upon his qualification as a chartered accountant, he built an international audit team and implemented controls in the group’s application systems. He is also a non-executive director of Experian Group plc and MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. in Canada.
8. Samuel Jonah‡, aged 61, was appointed to the Board in April 2009. He is Executive Chairman of Jonah Capital (Pty) Limited, an investment holding company in South Africa and serves on the boards of various public and private companies including The Standard Bank Group. He previously worked for Ashanti Goldfields Company Limited, becoming Chief Executive Officer in 1986, and was formerly Executive President of AngloGold Ashanti Limited, a director of Lonmin Plc and a member of the Advisory Council of the President of the African Development Bank. He is an advisor to the Presidents of Nigeria and Togo and previously served as an advisor to the Presidents of South Africa and Ghana. An Honorary Knighthood was conferred on him by Her Majesty the Queen in 2003 and in 2006 he was awarded Ghana’s highest national award, the Companion of the Order of the Star.
9. Nick Land§, aged 63, joined the Board in December 2006 and is Chairman of the Audit Committee. Solely for the purposes of relevant legislation he is the Board’s appointed financial expert on the Audit Committee. In June 2006 he retired as Chairman of Ernst & Young LLP after a distinguished career spanning 36 years with the firm. He became an audit partner in 1978 and held a number of management appointments before becoming Managing Partner in 1992. He was appointed Chairman and joined the Global Executive Board of Ernst & Young Global LLP in 1995. He serves as a non-executive director of Alliance Boots GmbH, BBA Aviation plc and the Ashmore Group plc and was appointed as a non-executive director of the Financial Reporting Council on 1 April 2011. He is an advisor to the board of SNR Denton LLP, a member of the Advisory Board of Alsbridge plc, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Farnham Castle, and is a member of the Finance and Audit Committees of the National Gallery. He is also Chairman of the board of trustees of the Vodafone Foundation.
10. Anne Lauvergeon§, aged 51, joined the Board in November 2005. She is Chief Executive Officer of AREVA Group, the leading French energy company, having been appointed to that role in July 2001. She started her professional career in 1983 in the steel industry and in 1990 she was named Advisor for Economic International Affairs at the French Presidency and Deputy Chief of its Staff in 1991. In 1995 she became a Partner of Lazard Frères & Cie, subsequently joining Alcatel Telecom as Senior Executive Vice President in March 1997. She was responsible for international activities and the Group’s industrial shareholdings in the energy and nuclear fields. In 1999 she was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AREVA NC. She is currently also a member of the Advisory Board of the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS and a non-executive director of Total S.A. and GDF SUEZ.
11. Luc Vandevelde†‡, aged 60, joined the Board in September 2003 and is Chairman of the Remuneration Committee. He is a director of Société Générale and the Founder and Managing Director of Change Capital Partners LLP, a private equity fund. He was formerly Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Carrefour SA, Chairman of Marks & Spencer Group plc and Chief Executive Officer of Promodès, and has held senior European and international roles with Kraft General Foods.
12. Anthony Watson CBE‡†, aged 66, was appointed to the Board in May 2006. He is currently Chairman of Marks & Spencer Pension Trust Ltd and is the Senior Independent Director of Hammerson plc and Witan Investment Trust. He is a non-executive director of Lloyds Banking Group plc and sits on the Advisory Board of Norges Bank Investment Management. He joined the Board of the Shareholder Executive in October 2009, having been a member of its Advisory Group since April 2008. Prior to joining the Vodafone Board he was Chief Executive of Hermes Pensions Management Limited, a position he had held since 2002. Previously he was Hermes’ Chief Investment Officer having been Managing Director of AMP Asset Management plc and the Chief International Investment Officer of Citicorp Investment Management from 1991 until joining Hermes in 1998. He was Chairman of The Strategic Investment Board in Northern Ireland until he retired in March 2009. In January 2009 he was awarded a CBE for his services to the economic redevelopment of Northern Ireland.
13. Philip Yea‡, aged 56, became a member of the Board in September 2005. He has held a number of roles in the private equity industry, most notably at 3i Group plc where he was Chief Executive from 2004 until January 2009, and prior to 3i at Investcorp, where his main focus was on the turnaround and performance of portfolio investments. He is a former Finance Director of Diageo plc, the global drinks group, where as Finance Director of Guinness plc he was closely involved in the creation of Diageo through Guiness’s merger with Grand Metropolitan P.L.C. in 1997. Philip holds a number of advisory positions including to HRH The Duke of York in his role as the UK’s Special Representative for International Trade & Investment, as well as to PricewaterhouseCoopers in the UK and Bridges Ventures. He is also Chairman of the trustees of the British Heart Foundation. He has previously held non-executive roles at HBOS plc and Manchester United plc.
Appointments since the 2010 AGM
14. Renee James, aged 46, joined the Board in January 2011. She is Senior Vice President and General Manager of the software and services group for Intel Corporation with responsibility for delivering software products and support across Intel’s entire product line by building and distributing software and services products and partnering with independent software partners in the industry. In addition, she is the Chairman of the software subsidiaries of Intel, Havok, WIndRiver Systems and McAfee, and also serves as an independent director on the VMware Inc. Board of Directors and is a member of its Audit Committee. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Oregon.
15. Gerard Kleisterlee, aged 64, was appointed to the Board on 1 April 2011. He retired as President/Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Management and the Group Management Committee of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. (‘Philips’) on 31 March 2011 after a career with Philips spanning over more than three decades. He has been a member of the Daimler AG Supervisory Board since April 2009, a non-executive director of the Supervisory Board and member of the Audit Committee of Royal Dutch Shell since November 2010, and a member of the Board of Directors of Dell since December 2010. He will succeed Sir John Bond as Chairman of the Company on conclusion of the AGM on 26 July 2011.
§ Audit Committee
† Nominations and Governance Committee
‡ Remuneration Committee
Back to topExecutive Committee
Chaired by Vittorio Colao, this committee focuses on the Group’s strategy, financial structure and planning, succession planning, organisational development and Group-wide policies. The Executive Committee membership comprises the executive directors, details of whom are shown above, and the senior managers who are listed below.
Senior management
Members of the Executive Committee who are not also executive directors are regarded as senior managers of the Company.
Warren Finegold, aged 54, Group Strategy and Business Development Director, joined the Executive Committee in April 2006 as Chief Executive, Global Business Development with responsibility for mergers and acquisitions and business development. He assumed his current position in August 2009 when his role was expanded to include Group Strategy. He started his career with Hill Samuel & Co. Limited as an Executive in the Corporate Finance department, advising clients on mergers and acquisitions. He then moved to Goldman Sachs International in 1986 where he held positions in New York and London. Prior to joining Vodafone he was a Managing Director of UBS Investment Bank where he held a number of senior positions, most recently as head of its technology team in Europe.
Matthew Kirk, aged 50, Group External Affairs Director, was appointed to his current position and joined the Executive Committee in March 2009. Matthew joined Vodafone in 2006 as Group Director of External Relationships. Prior to that he was a member of the British Diplomatic Service for more than 20 years and before joining Vodafone served as British Ambassador to Finland.
Morten Lundal, aged 46, Group Chief Commercial Officer, was appointed to his current position in October 2010, having joined the Executive Committee in November 2008, and previously served as Chief Executive Officer for the Africa and Central Europe region. He joined Nordic mobile operator, Telenor, in 1997 and held several Chief Executive Officer positions including for the Internet Division and Telenor Business Solutions as well as the position of Executive Vice President for Corporate Strategy before becoming the Chief Executive Officer of Telenor’s Malaysian subsidiary, DiGi Telecommunications.
Rosemary Martin, aged 51, was appointed Group General Counsel and Company Secretary in March 2010. She previously served as Chief Executive Officer of the Practical Law Group prior to which she previously spent 11 years with Reuters Group Plc. in various company secretary and legal roles, with the last five years as Group General Counsel and Company Secretary. Before joining Reuters she was a partner with Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw. She is a non-executive director of HSBC Bank Plc (the European arm of HSBC Group) and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales Corporate Governance Committee.
Nick Read, aged 46, Chief Executive Officer, Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific region, was appointed to this position in October 2010. He became a member of the Executive Committee in November 2008 at the time serving as Chief Executive Officer for the Asia Pacific and Middle East region. He joined Vodafone in 2002 and has held a variety of senior roles including Chief Financial Officer and Chief Commercial Officer of Vodafone Limited, the UK operating company, and was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Vodafone Limited in early 2006. Prior to joining Vodafone he held senior global finance positions with United Business Media plc and Federal Express Worldwide.
Ronald Schellekens, aged 47, Group Human Resources Director, joined Vodafone and the Executive Committee in January 2009. Ronald is responsible for the Vodafone human resources management function as well as health and safety, and Vodafone’s property and real estate. Prior to joining Vodafone he was Executive Vice President Human Resources for Royal Dutch Shell plc’s global downstream business. Prior to working for Shell he worked for nine years at PepsiCo in various international senior human resources roles including assignments in Switzerland, Spain, South Africa, the UK and Poland. In his last role he was responsible for the Europe, Middle East and Africa region for PepsiCo Foods International. Prior to PepsiCo he worked for nine years for AT&T in human resources roles in the Netherlands and Poland.
Back to topOther Board and Executive Committee members
The following members also served on the Board or the Executive Committee during the year:
Simon Murray was a non-executive director until his retirement on 27 July 2010. Terry Kramer was Regional President – Vodafone Americas and a member of the Executive Committee until 31 July 2010. Wendy Becker was Group Chief Marketing Officer and a member of the Executive Committee until January 2011.