Corporate governance

We are committed to high standards of corporate governance which we consider are critical to business integrity and to maintaining investors’ trust in us. We expect all our directors, employees and suppliers to act with honesty, integrity and fairness. Our business principles set out the standards we set ourselves to ensure we operate lawfully, with integrity and with respect for the culture of every country in which we do business.

Compliance with the Combined Code

Our ordinary shares are listed in the UK on the London Stock Exchange. In accordance with the Listing Rules of the UK Listing Authority, we confirm that throughout the year ended 31 March 2011 and at the date of this document we were compliant with the provisions of, and applied the principles of, Section 1 of the 2008 FRC Combined Code on Corporate Governance (the “Combined Code”). The Combined Code can be found on the FRC website ( This corporate governance section, together with the “Directors’ remuneration” section, provides detail of how we apply the principles and comply with the provisions of the Combined Code.

The FRC issued the new UK Corporate Governance Code in 2010, applicable for financial years beginning on or after 29 June 2010. We will report on it for the first time in our 2012 financial year and intend to be in compliance.

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Corporate governance statement

We comply with the corporate governance statement requirements pursuant to the FSA’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules by virtue of the information included in this “Corporate governance” section of the annual report together with information contained in the “Shareholder information” section.

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Board organisation and structure

The role of the Board

The Board is responsible for the overall conduct of the Group’s business and has the powers, authorities and duties vested in it by and pursuant to the relevant laws of England and Wales and the articles of association of the Company. The Board:

  • has final responsibility for the management, direction and performance of our businesses;
  • is required to exercise objective judgement on all corporate matters independent from executive management;
  • is accountable to shareholders for the proper conduct of the business; and
  • is responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of and reporting on our system of corporate governance.

The Board has a formal schedule of matters reserved to it for its decision and these include:

  • Group strategy and long-term plans;
  • major capital projects, acquisitions or divestments;
  • annual budget and operating plan;
  • Group financial structure, including tax and treasury;
  • annual and half-year financial results and shareholder communications;
  • system of internal control and risk management; and
  • senior management structure, responsibilities and succession plans.

The schedule is reviewed annually. It was last formally reviewed in March 2011 at which time, it was determined that no amendments were required.

Other specific responsibilities are delegated to Board committees which operate within clearly defined terms of reference. Details of the responsibilities delegated to the Board committees are given here.

Board meetings

The Board meets at least eight times a year and the meetings are structured to allow open discussion. All directors participate in discussing strategy, trading and financial performance and risk management. All substantive agenda items have comprehensive briefing material which is circulated one week before the meeting.

The following table shows the number of years directors have been on the Board at 31 March 2011 and their attendance at scheduled Board meetings they were eligible to attend during the year:

on Board
Sir John Bond 6 8/8
John Buchanan 8 8/8
Vittorio Colao 4 8/8
Michel Combes 1 8/8
Andy Halford 5 8/8
Renee James (since 1 January 2011) <1 3/3
Alan Jebson 4 7/8
Samuel Jonah 2 8/8
Nick Land 4 8/8
Anne Lauvergeon 5 6/8
Simon Murray (until 27 July 2010) 2/2
Stephen Pusey 1 8/8
Luc Vandevelde 7 8/8
Anthony Watson 5 8/8
Philip Yea 5 8/8

In addition to regular Board meetings, there are a number of other meetings to deal with specific matters. Directors unable to attend a Board meeting because of another engagement are nevertheless provided with all the information relevant for such meetings and are able to discuss issues arising in the meeting with the Chairman or the Chief Executive.

Division of responsibilities

The roles of the Chairman and Chief Executive are separate and there is a division of responsibilities that is clearly established, set out in writing and agreed by the Board to ensure that no one person has unfettered powers of decision. The Chairman is responsible for the operation, leadership and governance of the Board, ensuring its effectiveness and setting its agenda. The Chief Executive is responsible for the management of the Group’s business and the implementation of Board strategy and policy.

Board balance and independence

Our Board consists of 15 directors, 13 of whom served throughout the year. At 31 March 2011, in addition to the Chairman, Sir John Bond, there were four executive directors and nine non-executive directors. Renee James and Gerard Kleisterlee were appointed as non-executive directors with effect from 1 January 2011 and 1 April 2011 respectively. Simon Murray was a member of the Board until his retirement at the annual general meeting (‘AGM’) on 27 July 2010.

The Board welcomed the publication of the Davies Review on Women on Boards in February 2011. It is our aspiration to have a minimum of 25% female representation on the Board by 2015. Subject to securing suitable candidates, we intend to effect the changes required to the Board’s composition by recruiting additional directors and/or filling vacancies which arise when directors do not seek re-election, by appointing new directors who fit the skills criteria and gender balance which would meet the Board’s aspirations. The FRC is currently consulting on changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code which may result in the Code including a recommendation that companies adopt a boardroom diversity policy; we expect to comply with any such recommendation. The Board recognises the importance of gender balance throughout the Group and continues to support Vittorio Colao in his efforts to build a diverse organisation. Further information, including the proportions of women in senior management and within the organisation overall, is contained in our 2011 sustainability report at

The Deputy Chairman, John Buchanan, is the nominated Senior Independent Director and his role includes being available for approach or representation by directors or significant shareholders who may feel inhibited about raising issues with the Chairman. He is also responsible for conducting an annual review of the performance of the Chairman and, in the event it should be necessary, convening a meeting of the non-executive directors.

We consider all of our present non-executive directors to be fully independent. The Board is aware of the other commitments of its directors and is satisfied that these do not conflict with their duties as directors of the Company. Changes to the commitments of the directors are reported to the Board.

There are no cross-directorships or significant links between directors serving on the Board through involvement in other companies or bodies. For the purpose of section 175 of the Companies Act 2006, the Company’s articles of association include a general power for the directors to authorise any matter which would or might otherwise constitute or give rise to a breach of the duty of a director under this section, to avoid a situation in which a director has, or could have, a direct or indirect interest that conflicts or may possibly conflict, with the interests of the Company. To this end procedures have been established for the disclosure of any such conflicts and also for the consideration and authorisation of these conflicts by the Board, where relevant. The directors are required to complete a conflicts questionnaire, initially on appointment and annually thereafter. In the event of a potential conflict being identified, details of that conflict would be submitted to the Board (excluding the director to whom the potential conflict related) for consideration and, as appropriate, authorisation in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and the articles of association. Where an authorisation was granted, it would be recorded in a register of potential conflicts and reviewed periodically. On an ongoing basis directors are responsible for notifying the Company Secretary if they become aware of actual or potential conflict situations or a change in circumstances relating to an existing authorisation. To date, no conflicts of interest have been identified.

Under the laws of England and Wales, the executive and non-executive directors are equal members of the Board and have overall collective responsibility for the Company’s direction. In particular, non-executive directors are responsible for:

  • bringing a wide range of skills and experience, including independent judgement on issues of strategy, performance, financial controls and systems of risk management;
  • constructively challenging the strategy proposed by the Chief Executive and executive directors;
  • scrutinising and challenging performance across the Group’s business;
  • assessing risk and the integrity of the financial information and controls; and
  • ensuring appropriate remuneration and succession planning arrangements are in place in relation to executive directors and other senior executive roles.
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Board effectiveness

Appointments to the Board

There is a formal, rigorous and transparent procedure for the appointment of new directors to the Board. Candidates are identified and selected on merit against objective criteria and with due regard to the benefits of diversity on the Board, including gender. This process was followed during the recruitment of Renee James and Gerard Kleisterlee and is described in the section on the Nominations and Governance Committee.

Information and professional development

From time to time the Board receives detailed presentations from non-Board members on matters of significance. Financial plans, including budgets and forecasts, are regularly discussed at Board meetings. The non-executive directors periodically visit different parts of the Group and are provided with briefings and information to assist them in performing their duties.

The Chairman is responsible for ensuring that induction and training programmes are provided and the Company Secretary organises the programmes. Individual directors are also expected to take responsibility for identifying their training needs and to take steps to ensure that they are adequately informed about the Company and their responsibilities as a director. The Board is confident that all its members have the knowledge, ability and experience to perform the functions required of a director of a listed company.

On appointment, individual directors undergo an induction programme covering, amongst other things:

  • the business of the Group;
  • their legal and regulatory responsibilities as directors;
  • briefings and presentations from relevant executives; and
  • opportunities to visit business operations.

If appropriate the induction will also include briefings on the scope of the internal audit function and the role of the Audit Committee, meetings with the external auditor and other areas the Company Secretary deems appropriate considering the director’s area of responsibility. Throughout their period in office the directors are continually updated on the Group’s businesses and the regulatory and industry specific environments in which it operates. These updates are by way of written briefings and meetings with senior executives and, where appropriate, external sources.

Performance evaluation

Performance evaluation of the Board, its committees and individual directors takes place on an annual basis and is conducted within the terms of reference of the Nominations and Governance Committee with the aim of improving the effectiveness of the Board and its committees, individual contributions and the Group’s performance as a whole. The evaluation is designed to determine whether the Board continues to be capable of providing the high level judgement required and whether, as a Board, the directors are informed and up to date with the business and its goals and understand the context within which it operates. Every three years the performance evaluation is conducted by an independent external advisor. The last external evaluation took place in respect of the 2010 financial year.

This year the Board undertook a formal self-evaluation of its own performance. The process was led by the Chairman and included a review of the administration of the Board and its committees covering the operation of the Board and its committees, agendas, reports and information produced for their consideration. Using questionnaires completed by all directors, the Chairman produced a report on Board performance which was sent to and considered by the Nominations and Governance Committee before being discussed with the Board members at a Board meeting.

The Chairman led the assessment of the Chief Executive and the non-executive directors, the Chief Executive undertook the performance reviews for the executive directors and the Senior Independent Director led the review of the performance of the Chairman.

The Chairman reported the results of the evaluations at the Board meeting in March 2011. The performance of each director of the Board was found to be effective and it was concluded that the Board provides the effective leadership and control required for a listed company. The Nominations and Governance Committee confirmed to the Board that the contributions made by the directors offering themselves for election and re-election at the AGM in July 2011 continue to be effective and that the Company should support their election and re-election. In addition, the Board considered recommendations made by directors during the Board performance evaluation for the improvement of Board procedures and its effectiveness. Consequently, some changes in Board practice are being implemented, including extending the duration of Audit Committee meetings and allocating more time in the Board schedule for strategy discussions. The Board will continue to review its procedures, its effectiveness and development in the financial year ahead.

Re-election of directors

Although not required by the articles of association, in the interests of good corporate governance the directors have resolved that, subject to the recommendation of the Nominations and Governance Committee, they will all submit themselves for re-election at each AGM. Accordingly, at the AGM to be held on 26 July 2011, all the directors will offer themselves for re-election with the exception of Sir John Bond who is retiring from the Board. New directors seek election for the first time in accordance with the articles of association.

Independent advice

The Board recognises that there may be occasions when one or more of the directors feels it is necessary to take independent legal and/or financial advice at the Company’s expense. There is an agreed procedure to enable them to do so.

Indemnification of directors

In accordance with our articles of association and to the extent permitted by the laws of England and Wales, directors are granted an indemnity from the Company in respect of liabilities incurred as a result of their office. In respect of those matters for which the directors may not be indemnified, we maintained a directors’ and officers’ liability insurance policy throughout the financial year. Neither our indemnity nor the insurance provides cover in the event that a director is proven to have acted dishonestly or fraudulently.

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Board committees

The Board has established an Audit Committee, a Nominations and Governance Committee and a Remuneration Committee, each of which has formal terms of reference approved by the Board. The Board reviews the terms of reference for each of the committees on an ongoing basis and is satisfied that they comply with the requirements of the Combined Code. The terms of reference for all Board committees can be found on our website at or a copy can be obtained by application to the Company Secretary at our registered office.

The committees are provided with all necessary resources to enable them to undertake their duties in an effective manner. The Company Secretary or her delegate acts as secretary to the committees. The minutes of committee meetings are circulated to all directors.

Each committee has access to such information and advice, both from within the Group and externally, at the Company’s cost as it deems necessary. This may include the appointment of external consultants where appropriate. Each committee undertakes an annual review of the effectiveness of its terms of reference and makes recommendations to the Board for changes where appropriate.

Audit Committee

The members of the Audit Committee during the year, together with a record of their attendance at meetings which they were eligible to attend, are set out below:

 Meetings attended
Nick Land, Chairman and financial expert 4/4
John Buchanan 4/4
Alan Jebson 4/4
Anne Lauvergeon 3/4

The Audit Committee is comprised of financially literate members having the necessary ability and experience to understand financial statements. Solely for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Combined Code, the Board has designated Nick Land, who is an independent non-executive director satisfying the independence requirements of Rule 10A-3 of the US Securities Exchange Act 1934 (the ‘Exchange Act’), as its financial expert on the Audit Committee. Further details on Nick Land can be found in “Board of directors and Group management”.

The Audit Committee’s responsibilities include:

  • overseeing the relationship with the external auditor;
  • reviewing our preliminary results announcement, half-year results and annual financial statements;
  • monitoring compliance with statutory and listing requirements for any exchange on which our shares and debt instruments are quoted;
  • reviewing the scope, extent and effectiveness of the activity of the Group internal audit department;
  • engaging independent advisors as it determines is necessary and to perform investigations;
  • reporting to the Board on the quality and acceptability of our accounting policies and practices including, without limitation, critical accounting policies and practices; and
  • playing an active role in monitoring our compliance efforts in respect of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

At least twice a year the Audit Committee meets separately with the external auditor, the Chief Financial Officer and the Group Audit Director without other management being present. Further details on the work of the Audit Committee and its oversight of the relationships with the external auditor can be found under “Auditor” and the “Report from the Audit Committee”.

Nominations and Governance Committee

The members of the Nominations and Governance Committee during the year, together with a record of their attendance at meetings which they were eligible to attend, are set out below:

 Meetings attended
Sir John Bond, Chairman 7/7
John Buchanan 7/7
Luc Vandevelde 7/7
Anthony Watson (from 26 July 2010) 5/5

The Nominations and Governance Committee’s key objective is to ensure that the Board comprises individuals with the requisite skills, knowledge and experience to ensure that it is effective in discharging its responsibilities. The Nominations and Governance Committee:

  • leads the process for identifying and making recommendations to the Board of candidates for appointment as directors giving full consideration to succession planning and the leadership needs of the Group;
  • makes recommendations to the Board on the composition of the Nominations and Governance Committee and the composition and chairmanship of the Audit and Remuneration Committees;
  • regularly reviews the structure, size and composition of the Board including the balance of skills, knowledge and experience and the independence of the non-executive directors, and makes recommendations to the Board with regard to any change; and
  • is responsible for the oversight of all matters relating to corporate governance, bringing any issues to the attention of the Board.

During the financial year an external search was commissioned, using an independent consulting firm which actively searches for female as well as male candidates, for a non-executive director with relevant international experience in the high-tech sector. Renee James was identified as a potential candidate and subsequently recommended to the Board by the Nominations and Governance Committee on the basis that she met the desired criteria.

In February 2010 the Board initiated a succession planning process to search for a new chairman. The independent consulting firm was provided with a detailed brief of the desired candidate profile and their services were used to conduct a thorough search to identify suitable candidates. The Nominations and Governance Committee considered a list of potential candidates and those shortlisted were met by members of the Board. Following an interview process, Gerard Kleisterlee was invited to join the Board and to become Vodafone’s chairman in succession to Sir John Bond. In accordance with the Combined Code, Sir John Bond did not chair the Nominations and Governance Committee when dealing with the appointment of Mr Kleisterlee. The Deputy Chairman took the chair. Mr Kleisterlee’s deep knowledge of the commercial sector, his international experience and familiarity with business in emerging markets were factors in the Board’s decision.

The Nominations and Governance Committee meets periodically when required. In addition to scheduled meetings, there are a number of ad hoc meetings to address specific matters. No one other than a member of the Nominations and Governance Committee is entitled to be present at its meetings. The Chief Executive, other non-executive directors and external advisors may be invited to attend.

Remuneration Committee

The members of the Remuneration Committee during the year, together with a record of their attendance at scheduled meetings which they were eligible to attend, are set out below:

 Meetings attended
Luc Vandevelde, Chairman 5/5
Samuel Jonah (from 1 June 2010) 3/3
Simon Murray (until 27 July 2010) 1/2
Anthony Watson 5/5
Philip Yea 5/5

In addition to scheduled meetings, there were a number of ad hoc meetings to deal with specific matters. The responsibilities of the Remuneration Committee include:

  • determining, on behalf of the Board, the policy on the remuneration of the Chairman, the executive directors and the senior management team;
  • determining the total remuneration packages for these individuals including any compensation on termination of office; and
  • appointing any consultants in respect of executive directors’ remuneration.

The Chairman and Chief Executive may attend the Remuneration Committee’s meetings by invitation. They do not attend when their individual remuneration is discussed. No director is involved in deciding his or her own remuneration.

Further information on the Remuneration Committee’s activities is contained in “Directors’ remuneration”.

Executive Committee

The executive directors, together with certain other Group functional heads and regional chief executives, meet 11 times a year as the Executive Committee under the chairmanship of the Chief Executive. The Executive Committee is responsible for our competitive and financial performance, reviewing strategy and new business opportunities including major acquisitions and disposals, the management of our capital structure and funding, and key organisational and policy decisions. The members of the Executive Committee and their biographical details are set out in "Executive Committee". The Executive Committee members and the chief executive officers of the major operating companies and other selected individuals, depending on topics discussed, met twice during the year to discuss strategy.

Company Secretary

The Company Secretary acts as secretary to the Board and to the committees of the Board and, with the consent of the Board, may delegate responsibility for the administration of the committees to other suitably qualified staff. The Company Secretary:

  • assists the Chairman in ensuring that all directors have full and timely access to all relevant information;
  • is responsible for ensuring that the correct Board procedures are followed and advises the Board on corporate governance matters; and
  • administers the procedure under which directors can, where appropriate, obtain independent professional advice at the Company’s expense.

The appointment or removal of the Company Secretary is a matter for the Board as a whole.

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Relations with shareholders

We are committed to communicating our strategy and activities clearly to our shareholders and, to that end, we maintain an active dialogue with investors through a planned programme of investor relations activities. The investor relations programme includes:

  • formal presentations of full year and half-year results, and interim management statements;
  • briefing meetings with major institutional shareholders in the UK, the US and in Continental Europe after the half-year results and preliminary announcement, to ensure that the investor community receives a balanced and complete view of our performance and the issues we face;
  • regular meetings between institutional investors and analysts and the Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer to discuss business performance;
  • hosting investors and analysts sessions at which senior management from relevant operating companies deliver presentations which provide an overview of each of the individual businesses and operations;
  • attendance by senior executives across the business at relevant meetings and conferences throughout the year;
  • responding to enquiries from shareholders and analysts through our Investor Relations team; and
  • which is a section dedicated to shareholders on our website.

Overall responsibility for ensuring that there is effective communication with investors and that the Board understands the views of major shareholders on matters such as governance and strategy rests with the Chairman, who makes himself available to meet shareholders for this purpose.

The Senior Independent Director and other members of the Board are also available to meet major investors on request. The Senior Independent Director has a specific responsibility to be available to shareholders who have concerns, for whom contact with the Chairman, Chief Executive or Chief Financial Officer has either failed to resolve their concerns or for whom such contact is inappropriate.

At the 2007 AGM the shareholders approved amendments to the articles of association which enabled us to take advantage of the provisions in the Companies Act 2006 to communicate with our shareholders electronically. Following that approval, unless a shareholder has specifically asked to receive a hard copy, they will receive notification of the availability of the annual report on our website For this year shareholders will receive the notice of meeting and form of proxy in paper through the post unless they have previously opted to receive email communications. We do not intend to send the notice of meeting and form of proxy to shareholders in paper through the post for the 2012 financial year unless shareholders have specifically asked to receive communications in hard copy. Shareholders continue to have the option to appoint proxies and to give voting instructions electronically.

The principal communication with private investors is via the annual report and through the AGM, an occasion which is attended by all our directors and at which all shareholders present are given the opportunity to question the Chairman, the Chairmen of the Audit, Nominations and Governance, and Remuneration Committees and the rest of the Board. After the AGM shareholders can meet informally with directors.

A summary presentation of results and development plans is also given at the AGM before the Chairman deals with the formal business of the meeting. The AGM is broadcast live on our website ( and a recording of the webcast can subsequently be viewed on our website. All substantive resolutions at our AGMs are decided on a poll. The poll is conducted by our registrars and scrutinised by Electoral Reform Services. The proxy votes cast in relation to all resolutions, including details of votes withheld, are disclosed to those in attendance at the meeting and the results of the poll are published on our website and announced via the Regulatory News Service. Financial and other information is made available on our website ( which is regularly updated.

A summary of our share and control structures is set out in the "Shareholder information" section of this report.

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Political donations

The directors consider that it is in the best interest of shareholders that we participate in public debate and opinion forming on matters which affect our business. In order not to inhibit these activities and to avoid inadvertent infringement of the Companies Act 2006, at the 2008 AGM the directors sought and received shareholders’ approval for the Company and its subsidiaries to be authorised, for the purposes of part 14 of the Companies Act 2006, to make political donations and to incur political expenditure during the period from the AGM to the conclusion of the AGM for the 2012 financial year or 29 July 2012, whichever is earlier, up to a maximum aggregate amount of £100,000 per year. Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries have made any such political donations during the year. It is our Group policy not to make political donations or incur political expenditure as those expressions are normally understood.

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Internal control

The Board has overall responsibility for the system of internal control. A sound system of internal control is designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objectives and can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. The process of managing the risks associated with social, environmental and ethical impacts is also discussed under “Sustainable business”.

The Board has established procedures that implement in full the Turnbull Guidance “Internal Control: Revised Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code” for the year under review and to the date of approval of the annual report. These procedures, which are subject to regular review, provide an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks we face. See management’s report on internal control over financial reporting in “Directors’ statement of responsibility”.

Monitoring and review activities

There are clear processes for monitoring the system of internal control and reporting any significant control failings or weaknesses together with details of corrective action. These include:

  • a formal annual confirmation provided by the Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer of each Group company certifying the operation of their control systems and highlighting any weaknesses, the results of which are reviewed by regional management, the Audit Committee and the Board;
  • a review of the appropriateness of disclosures undertaken by the Chief Executive and the Chief Financial Officer which includes formal annual meetings with the Group’s Disclosure Committee; and
  • periodic examination of business processes on a risk basis including reports on controls throughout the Group undertaken by the Group internal audit department which reports directly to the Audit Committee.

In addition, we review any reports from the external auditor presented to the Audit Committee and management relating to internal financial controls.

Any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable and not absolute assurance of achieving the desired control objectives. Management is required to apply judgement in evaluating the risks we face in achieving our objectives, in determining the risks that are considered acceptable to bear, in assessing the likelihood of the risks concerned materialising, in identifying our ability to reduce the incidence and impact on the business of risks that do materialise and in ensuring that the costs of operating particular controls are proportionate to the benefit.

Risk management

We have a Risk Council to manage the process of identifying, evaluating, monitoring and mitigating risks. The Risk Council is chaired by the Chief Financial Officer, facilitated by the Group Audit Director and attended by representatives from the two geographic regions, finance and a cross section of functions.Meeting twice a year, the Risk Council discusses and reviews the risks identified by the senior management of the regions and functions in their area of business. The risks are plotted on a “risk matrix” on the basis of the likelihood of those risks occurring and the impact if they do occur taking into consideration the action being taken to manage and mitigate them. Those risk assessments are presented to the Executive Committee and the Audit Committee which in turn report to the Board for review and confirmation. The Group risks identified through this process are included in “Principal risk factors and uncertainties”. The Risk Council ensures the ongoing review of risks to the business, the controls in place to mitigate risks and identifies any further action required.

Risk mitigation

Although many risks remain outside of our direct control, a range of activities are in place to mitigate the primary risks identified including those set out in “Principal risk factors and uncertainties”. A significant number of risks faced relate to the wider operational and commercial affairs of the Group including those in relation to competitor and regulator activity, the impact of technological developments, the development of new products and services, the success of cost reduction initiatives, the realisation of benefits from investments and the potential reliance on certain suppliers. The responsibility for the Group’s actions to address and mitigate these risks is either allocated to personnel with direct functional responsibility for the matter or to operating company and regional management with appropriate reporting and monitoring by the Risk Council and Executive Committee. The size of the Group’s operations, its geographical spread and its large and diverse customer base assist in mitigating these risks.

A range of mitigations for other risks faced by the Group are also in place:

  • Macroeconomic, political and legal risks are considered by the Group’s strategic planning process and as part of the Group’s processes for capital allocation.
  • The Group has in place formal treasury policies that seek to ensure the Group’s financing plans place appropriate weight on the risks arising from volatile capital markets.
  • Where we do not have controlling interests in certain of our investments, we work with our partners to maximise alignment of interests through the development of mutually beneficial commercial outcomes and actively involve ourselves in the governance of the company concerned.
  • The potential for health risks is comprehensively addressed through a wide range of activities including the close monitoring of developments in areas of science and technology and ensuring the devices sold meet all necessary regulatory requirements including specific absorption rate (‘SAR’) limits in relation to radio frequency emission and absorption.
  • We have invested significantly to minimise the risk of disruption of our telecommunications services and have extensive business continuity arrangements to mitigate the risks arising from a critical system failure.

Activity and progress on these matters are reported both into the Risk Council and the Executive Committee.

Review of effectiveness

The Board and the Audit Committee have reviewed the effectiveness of the internal control system including financial, operational and compliance controls and risk management, in accordance with the Combined Code for the period from 1 April 2010 to 17 May 2011 (the date of approval of our annual report). No significant failings or weaknesses were identified during this review. However, had there been any such failings or weaknesses, the Board confirms that necessary actions would have been taken to remedy them.

Disclosure controls and procedures

We maintain “disclosure controls and procedures”, as such term is defined in Rule 13a-15(e) of the Exchange Act, that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarised and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms, and that such information is accumulated and communicated to management, including our Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.

The directors, the Chief Executive and the Chief Financial Officer have evaluated the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures and, based on that evaluation, have concluded that the disclosure controls and procedures are effective at the end of the period covered by this document.

Going concern

The going concern statement required by the Listing Rules and the Combined Code is set out in the “Directors’ statement of responsibility”.

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Following a recommendation by the Audit Committee, and in accordance with Section 489 of the Companies Act 2006, a resolution proposing the reappointment of Deloitte LLP as our auditor will be put to the shareholders at the 2011 AGM. We do not indemnify our external auditor.

In its assessment of the independence of the auditor and in accordance with the US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s standard on independence, the Audit Committee receives in writing details of relationships between the Company and Deloitte LLP that may have a bearing on their independence and receives confirmation that they are independent of the Company within the meaning of the securities laws administered by the SEC.

In addition, the Audit Committee pre-approves the audit fee after a review of both the level of the audit fee against other comparable companies, including those in the telecommunications industry, and the level and nature of non-audit fees, as part of its review of the adequacy and objectivity of the audit process.

In a further measure to ensure auditor independence is not compromised we have a policy that provides for the pre-approval by the Audit Committee of permitted non-audit services by Deloitte LLP. The policy lists categories of non-audit services from which the auditor is excluded from providing. For certain specific permitted services the Audit Committee has pre-approved that Deloitte LLP can be engaged by management subject to specified fee limits for individual engagements and fee limits for each type of specific service permitted. For all other services, or those permitted services that exceed the specified fee limits, the Chairman of the Audit Committee, or in his absence another member, can pre-approve permitted services which have not been pre-approved by the Audit Committee.

In addition to their statutory duties, Deloitte LLP is also engaged where, as a result of their position as auditor, they either must, or are best placed to, perform the audit-related services in question. This is primarily work in relation to matters such as shareholder circulars, Group borrowings, regulatory filings, and certain business acquisitions and disposals. Other work is awarded on the basis of competitive tender.

During the year Deloitte LLP and its affiliates charged the Group £9 million (2010: £9 million, 2009: £8 million) for audit and audit-related services and a further £1 million (2010: £1 million, 2009: £1 million) for non-audit assignments which primarily comprised fees in relation to a number of taxation assignments totalling £1 million (2010: £1 million, 2009: £1 million). The auditor was considered the most suitable supplier for the services given its extensive knowledge of the Group. After reviewing external requirements and guidelines in place, the types of services rendered were considered by the Audit Committee not to impact the objectivity and independence of Deloitte LLP. An analysis of these fees can be found in "note 4 to the consolidated financial statements" to the consolidated financial statements.

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US listing requirements

Vodafone’s american depositary shares are listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market LLC (‘NASDAQ’) and we are therefore subject to the rules of NASDAQ as well as US securities laws and the rules of the SEC. NASDAQ requires US companies listed on the exchange to comply with NASDAQ’s corporate governance rules but foreign private issuers, such as the Company, are exempt from many of those rules. However, pursuant to NASDAQ Listing Rule 5615 we are required to disclose a summary of any material ways in which the corporate governance practices we follow differ from those required by NASDAQ for US companies. The material differences are as follows:


  • The NASDAQ rules require that a majority of the Board be comprised of independent directors and the rules include detailed definitions that US companies must use for determining independence.
  • The Combined Code requires a company’s board of directors to assess and make a determination as to the independence of its directors.

While the Board does not explicitly take into consideration NASDAQ’s detailed definitions, it has carried out an assessment based on the requirements of the Combined Code and has determined in its judgement that all of the non-executive directors are independent within those requirements. At 17 May 2011 the Board comprised the Chairman, four executive directors and ten non-executive directors.


  • NASDAQ rules require US companies to have a nominations committee, an audit committee and a compensation committee, each composed entirely of independent directors, with the nominations committee and audit committee required to have a written charter that addresses the committees’ purpose and responsibilities.
  • Both our Nominations and Governance Committee and our Remuneration Committee have terms of reference and compositions that comply with the Combined Code’s requirements.
  • Our Nominations and Governance Committee is chaired by the Chairman of the Board and its other members are non-executive directors of the Company.
  • Our Remuneration Committee is composed entirely of non-executive directors whom the Board has determined to be independent.
  • The Audit Committee is composed entirely of non-executive directors whom the Board has determined to be independent and who meet the requirements of Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act.

We consider that the terms of reference of these committees, which are available on our website (, are generally responsive to the relevant NASDAQ rules but may not address all aspects of these rules.

Code of conduct

Under NASDAQ rules US companies must adopt a code of conduct applicable to all directors, officers and employees. We have adopted a Code of Conduct which applies to all employees. It sets out what conduct is expected of employees as they adhere to our Business Principles and draws their attention to the Group’s policies. In addition, a Code of Ethics has been adopted in compliance with Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act which is applicable to the senior financial and principal executive officers. We have made our Code of Ethics available on our website (


Under NASDAQ rules companies are required to have a minimum quorum of 33.33% of the shareholders of ordinary shares for shareholder meetings. However, our articles of association provide for a quorum for general meetings of shareholders of two shareholders regardless of the level of their aggregate share ownership.

Related party transactions

  • The NASDAQ rules require companies to conduct appropriate reviews of related party transactions and potential conflicts of interest via the company’s audit committee or other independent body of the board of directors.
  • We are subject to extensive provisions under the Listing Rules issued by the FSA in the UK (the “Listing Rules”) governing transactions with related parties, as defined therein, and the Companies Act 2006 also restricts the extent to which companies incorporated in England and Wales may enter into related party transactions.
  • Our articles of association contain provisions regarding disclosure of interests by our directors and restrictions on their votes in circumstances involving conflicts of interest.
  • In lieu of obtaining an independent review of related party transactions for conflicts of interests, but in accordance with the Listing Rules, the Companies Act 2006 and our articles of association, we seek shareholder approval for related party transactions that meet certain financial thresholds or where transactions have unusual features.
  • The concept of a related party for the purposes of NASDAQ’s listing rules differs in certain respects from the definition of a transaction with a related party under the Listing Rules.

Shareholder approval

  • NASDAQ requires shareholder approval for certain transactions involving the sale or issuance by a listed company of share capital.
  • Under the NASDAQ rules, whether shareholder approval is required for such transactions depends on, among other things, the number of shares to be issued or sold in connection with a transaction, while we are bound by the provisions of the Listing Rules which state that shareholder approval is required, among other things, when the size of a transaction exceeds a certain percentage of the size of the listed company undertaking the transaction.
  • In accordance with our articles of association we also seek shareholder approval annually for issuing shares and to dis-apply the pre-emption rights that apply under law in line with limit guidelines issued by investor bodies.
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Report from the Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists the Board in carrying out its responsibilities in relation to financial reporting requirements, risk management and the assessment of internal controls. The Audit Committee also reviews the effectiveness of the Company’s internal audit function and manages the Company’s relationship with the external auditor. For further details, its terms of reference can be found on the Vodafone website (

The Audit Committee is composed of independent, non-executive directors selected to provide the wide range of financial and commercial expertise necessary to fulfil the Committee’s duties. The membership of the Committee is set out in the table in "Board committees". By invitation of the Chairman of the Audit Committee, the Chief Executive, the Chief Financial Officer, the Group Financial Controller, the Director of Financial Reporting, the Group Audit Director and the external auditor also attend the Audit Committee meetings. Relevant people from the business are also invited to attend certain meetings in order to provide insight and enhance the Audit Committee’s awareness of key issues and developments in the business which are relevant to the Audit Committee in the performance of its role.

During the year ended 31 March 2011 the principal activities of the Audit Committee were as follows:

Financial reporting

The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed with management and the external auditor the half-year and annual financial statements focusing on, amongst other matters:

  • the quality and acceptability of accounting policies and practices;
  • the clarity of the disclosures and compliance with financial reporting standards and relevant financial and governance reporting requirements; and
  • material areas in which significant judgements have been applied.

To aid their review, the Audit Committee considered reports from the Group Financial Controller and the Director of Financial Reporting and also reports from the external auditor, Deloitte LLP, on the scope and outcome of their half-year review and annual audit.

Risk management and internal control

The Audit Committee reviewed the process by which the Group evaluated its control environment, its risk assessment process and the way in which significant business risks were managed. It also considered the Group Audit Director’s reports on the effectiveness of internal controls, significant identified frauds and any identified fraud that involved management or employees with a significant role in internal controls. The Audit Committee was also responsible for oversight of the Group’s compliance activities in relation to section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Internal audit

The Audit Committee monitored and reviewed the scope, extent and effectiveness of the activity of the Group Internal Audit department and received reports from the Group Audit Director which included updates on audit activities, progress of the Group audit plan, the results of any unsatisfactory audits and the action plans to address these areas, and resource requirements of the internal audit department. The Audit Committee held private discussions with the Group Audit Director as necessary throughout the year.

External auditor

The Audit Committee reviewed and monitored the independence of the external auditor and the objectivity and effectiveness of the audit process and provided the Board with its recommendation to the shareholders on the reappointment of Deloitte LLP as external auditor. The Audit Committee approved the scope and fees for audit services and, after consideration of whether they were permissible under the Group’s policies, non-audit services provided by Deloitte LLP.

Private meetings were held with Deloitte LLP without management being present to ensure that there were no restrictions on the scope or independence of their audit.

Audit Committee effectiveness

The Audit Committee conducts a formal review of its effectiveness annually and concluded that its performance was effective. Details of the Board and Committee evaluation process can be found under “Performance evaluation”.

Nick Land
On behalf of the Audit Committee

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