- Overview(3.2 Mb)
Business review (2.3 Mb)
- Chief Executive’s review (362 Kb)
- Key performance indicators (308 Kb)
- Industry trends (265 Kb)
- How we do business (295 Kb)
- Strategy (1 Mb)
- Consumer 2015 (597 Kb)
- Enterprise 2015 (224 Kb)
- Network 2015 (284 Kb)
- Operations 2015 (258 Kb)
- Our people (265 Kb)
- Sustainable business (275 Kb)
- Vodafone Foundation (392 Kb)
- Performance (217 Kb)
- Governance (2 Mb)
Financials (823 Kb)
- Directors’ statement of responsibility (129 Kb)
- Audit report on internal control over financial reporting (126 Kb)
- Critical accounting estimates (136 Kb)
- Audit report on the consolidated financial statements (144 Kb)
- Consolidated financial statements and financial commentary (683 Kb)
- Audit report on the Company financial statements (127 Kb)
- Company financial statements (166 Kb)
- Additional information (349 Kb)