Revolution Work Transformation
From the Personal Harbor
   of Jim Hackett
    From a Financial Perspective
    Fiscal 2000 Developments
    One Corporate Vision
    Four Corporate Strategies
    Six Growth Strategies
    A Work Effectiveness Company
    The Key to Success
The Road to Six Billion and Beyond
The Six Growth Strategies Illustrated
Information for Our Investors
Steelcase Offerings Around
  the World
Financial Highlights
Consolidated Statements of Income
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Statements of Changes   in Shareholders' Equity
Consolidated Statements of Cash
Notes to Consolidated Financial
Report of Independent Certified
  Public Accountants and
  Management's Responsibility
  for Financial Reporting
Directors and Executive Officers


Before I strike the print key
, I want to turn the

spotlight on two groups of people who work “behind the curtain.”

The people who work in our plants and offices around the world, and the people who work for our dealers around the world.

These men and women “ghost wrote” the customers’ stories you’ll read later in this report, as well as hundreds more that are just as compelling. They are tremendous sources of strength for our company.

They are our unsung heroes and heroines.

Finally, a personal note. For two decades now, I have admired and benefited from the business acumen and social conscience of a very wise and wonderful man, the Vice Chairman of our Board of Directors, Peter Wege. Peter is stepping down from the board, and plans to devote more of his energies to the causes he champions so ably. I will miss him. He has added to the humanity of our company and our world.

Talk about unsung heroes.

James P. Hackett
President and Chief Executive Officer