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2007 Financial Year Compared to the 2006 Financial Year


Mobile telecommunications KPIs

  2007   2006
Middle East,
Africa & Asia
Pacific EMAPA   Eastern
Middle East,
Africa & Asia
Pacific EMAPA
Closing customers (’000) 28,975 27,160 5,750 61,885   12,579 21,884 5,346 39,809
Closing 3G devices (’000) 347 65 758 1,170   135 281 416
Voice usage (millions of minutes) 39,658 37,449 11,371 88,478   13,302 18,300 9,811 41,413

See Definition of Terms

A part of Vodafone’s strategy is to build on the Group’s track record of creating value in emerging markets. Vodafone continued to execute on this strategy, with strong performances in the Czech Republic, Egypt, Romania and South Africa.

The Group continued to successfully build its emerging markets portfolio through acquisitions in Turkey and, subsequent to 31 March 2007, India. Since its acquisition on 24 May 2006, Vodafone Turkey has shown a performance in excess of the acquisition plan.

In December 2006, the Group increased its equity interest in Vodafone Egypt from 50.1% to 54.9%, positioning the Group to capture further growth in this lower penetrated market. The Group also entered into a new strategic partnership with Telecom Egypt, the minority shareholder in Vodafone Egypt, to increase cooperation between both parties and jointly develop a range of products and services for the Egyptian market.

EMAPA’s growth has benefited from the 2006 financial year acquisitions in the Czech Republic and the stake in Bharti Airtel in India, as well as the stake increases in Romania and South Africa and the 2007 financial year acquisition in Turkey. Bharti Airtel was accounted for as a joint venture until 11 February 2007, following which the Group’s interest has been accounted for as an investment.