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2008 Financial Year Compared to the 2007 Financial Year


Adjusted operating profit

The impact of acquisitions and exchange rate movements on Europe’s adjusted operating profit is shown below:

  Organic growth % Impact of
exchange rates
Percentage points
Impact of
Percentage points
Reported growth %
Adjusted operating profit
Germany (10.1) 3.5 (6.6)
Italy (1.4) 3.7 (2.4) (0.1)
Spain 14.4 4.3 (2.2) 16.5
UK (15.7) (15.7)
Arcor 25.5 6.1 31.6
Other Europe (4.2) 3.5 (0.5) (1.2)
Europe (1.5) 3.4 (1.1) 0.8

Adjusted operating profit increased by 0.8% for the year ended 31 March 2008, with a decline of 1.5% on an organic basis, with the difference primarily due to favourable exchange rate movements. Adjusted operating profit included the benefit from the release of a provision following a revised agreement in Italy related to the use of the Vodafone brand and related trademarks, which is offset in common functions. Adjusted operating profit was also impacted by higher interconnect, acquisition and retention costs and the impact of the Group’s increasing focus on fixed line services, including the acquisition of Tele2 in Italy and Spain.

Interconnect costs rose by 8.5%, or by 4.1% on an organic basis, as the higher volume of outgoing calls to other networks more than offset the cost benefit obtained from termination rate cuts throughout the region. The main increases were recorded in the UK and Italy, partially offset by a decline in Germany.

Other direct costs grew by 7.8%, although only 1.3% on an organic basis, as increases in the UK and Arcor were partially offset by a reduction in Germany.

A 10.3%, or 6.0% organic, rise in acquisition costs resulted from increases across most of the region, reflecting the continued focus on attracting higher value contract and business customers, particularly in the UK and Italy. Acquisition costs per customer increased across the region, with the exception being Germany due to a higher proportion of wholesale and prepaid connections.

Retention costs increased by 13.8%, or by 10.1% on an organic basis, largely driven by higher costs in Spain, with smaller increases occurring across the rest of the region.

Operating expenses were flat on an organic basis, as a result of the successful control of costs and the benefit from the release of the brand royalty provision. Various initiatives were implemented at both central and local levels. Central initiatives included the consolidation and optimisation of data centres, restructuring within central functions, continued migration from leased lines to owned transmission and further renegotiation of contracts relating to various network operating expenses. Locally there were restructuring programmes in Germany and Italy and, more recently, in the UK.

Depreciation and other amortisation was 3.4% higher, or broadly stable on an organic basis, as the additional charges resulting from the acquisition of Tele2 operations in Italy and Spain and unfavourable exchange rate movements were partially offset by savings from lower capital expenditure and the consolidation and optimisation of data centres.


Adjusted operating profit fell by 10.1% at constant exchange rates, primarily due to the reduction in voice revenue. Total costs decreased at constant exchange rates, mainly as a result of an 11.2% fall in interconnect costs, which benefited from the termination rate cuts, and a 10.1% reduction in other direct costs, mainly from fewer handset sales to third party distributors and lower content costs than the 2007 financial year. Operating expenses fell by 2.7% at constant exchange rates, reflecting targeted cost saving initiatives, despite the growing customer base. Acquisition costs rose by 7.6% at constant exchange rates due to a higher volume of gross additions and the launch of a fixed broadband offer, while retention costs increased by 5.1% at constant exchange rates due to a higher cost per upgrade from an increased focus on higher value customers.


Adjusted operating profit decreased by 0.1%, or 1.4% on an organic basis, primarily as a result of the fall in voice revenue due to the regulatory cancellation of top up fees. On an organic basis, total costs fell as higher interconnect and acquisition costs were offset by a 15.8% fall in other direct costs after achieving lower prepaid airtime commissions and a 7.4% reduction in operating expenses as a result of the release of the provision for brand royalty payments following agreement of revised terms. Interconnect costs increased by 6.2% on an organic basis, reflecting the growth in outgoing voice minute volumes, partially offset by a higher proportion of calls and messages to Vodafone customers, while acquisition costs rose by 18.7% on an organic basis due to the investment in the business and higher value consumer contract segments.


Spain generated growth of 16.5% in adjusted operating profit, or 14.4% on an organic basis, due to the increase in service revenue, partially offset by a 28.3% rise on an organic basis in retention costs driven by the higher volume of upgrades and cost per contract upgrade. The proportion of contract customers within the total closing customer base increased by 3.2 percentage points to 58.0%. Acquisition costs decreased by 9.0% on an organic basis following the reduction in gross additions. Interconnect costs were flat on an organic basis as the benefit from termination rate cuts was offset by the higher volumes of outgoing voice minutes. Operating expenses increased by 4.0% on an organic basis but fell as a percentage of service revenue as a result of good cost control.


Although service revenue grew by 5.8%, adjusted operating profit fell by 15.7% as a result of the rise in total costs, partially offset by a £30 million VAT refund. The UK business continued to invest in acquiring new customers in a highly competitive market, leading to a 13.1% increase in acquisition costs. Interconnect costs increased by 12.0% due to the 19.0% growth in outgoing mobile minutes, reflecting growth in the customer base and larger bundled offers. The 7.1% increase in other direct costs was due to cost of sales associated with the growing managed solutions business and investment in content based data services. Operating expenses increased by 6.0%, although remained stable as a percentage of service revenue, with the increase due to a rise in commercial operating costs in support of sales channels and customer care activities and a £35 million charge for the restructuring programmes announced in March 2008, with savings anticipated for the 2009 financial year.


Adjusted operating profit increased by 25.5% at constant exchange rates, due to the growth in service revenue, which exceeded increases in the cost base. Other direct costs rose by 27.2% at constant exchange rates, largely driven by higher access line fees from the expanding customer base, which also resulted in an 8.7% increase at constant exchange rates in interconnect costs. The residual cost base was relatively stable.

Other Europe

In Other Europe, adjusted operating profit fell by 1.2%, or 4.2% on an organic basis, largely driven by a 20.7% fall at constant exchange rates in the share of results of associates following increased acquisition and retention costs and higher interest and tax charges, which more than offset a 6.5% rise in revenue at constant exchange rates. The growth in adjusted operating profit of subsidiaries was primarily driven by increases in Portugal and the Netherlands of 20.2% and 13.2%, respectively, at constant exchange rates, resulting from the growth in service revenue, as well as good cost control in Portugal. These more than offset the 7.1% fall at constant exchange rates in Greece, where results were affected by a decline in service revenue, increased retention and marketing costs and a regulatory fine.