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2008 Financial Year Compared to the 2007 Financial Year



Revenue growth of 6.1% was achieved for the year ended 31 March 2008, comprising 2.0% organic growth, a 0.7 percentage point benefit from the inclusion of acquired businesses, primarily Tele2, and 3.4 percentage points from favourable movements in exchange rates, largely due to the strengthening of the euro against sterling. The impact of acquisitions and exchange rate movements on service revenue and revenue growth in Europe are shown below:

  Organic growth % Impact of
exchange rates
Percentage points
Impact of
Percentage points
Reported growth %
Service revenue        
Germany (4.8) 3.8 (1.0)
Italy (2.0) 4.1 2.6 4.7
Spain 8.1 4.7 1.6 14.4
UK 5.8 5.8
Arcor 8.5 4.7 13.2
Other Europe 2.4 4.2 0.3 6.9
Europe 2.1 3.4 0.8 6.3
Revenue – Europe 2.0 3.4 0.7 6.1

Service revenue grew by 6.3%, or by 2.1% on an organic basis, with strong growth in data revenue being the main driver of organic growth. Revenue was also positively impacted by the 9.3% rise in the total registered mobile customer base to 110.6 million at 31 March 2008. These factors more than offset the negative effects of termination rate cuts, the cancellation of top up fees on prepaid cards in Italy resulting from new regulation issued in March 2007 and the Group’s ongoing reduction of European roaming rates. Business segment service revenue, which represents 28% of European service revenue, grew by approximately 5% on an organic basis, driven by a 21% growth in the average business customer base, including strong growth in closing handheld business devices and mobile PC connectivity devices.

Voice revenue increased by 1.3%, but declined by 1.8% on an organic basis, with the difference being due to the effect of favourable movements in exchange rates. The organic decrease was primarily due to the effect of lower prices resulting from Group initiatives and regulation-driven reductions.

  • Outgoing voice revenue remained stable on an organic basis, as the 20.1% increase in outgoing call minutes, driven by the 9.0% higher outgoing usage per customer and the higher customer base, was offset by the fall in the effective rate per minute reflecting continued price reductions and the effect of the cancellation of top up fees in Italy.
  • Incoming voice revenue fell by 4.6% on an organic basis as a result of ongoing termination rate reductions throughout the region. The effective annual rate of decline of 12%, driven by termination rate cuts in Germany, Italy and Spain, was partially mitigated by the 8.3% growth in incoming voice minutes.
  • Roaming and international visitor revenue declined by 8.0% on an organic basis, as expected, principally from the impact of the Group’s initiatives on retail and wholesale roaming and regulatory-driven price reductions, which more than offset growth of 13.3% in voice minute volumes.

Messaging revenue grew by 11.5%, or by 8.1% on an organic basis, driven by good growth in usage, up 28.1%, particularly in Italy and the UK, resulting from the success of a number of promotions and the higher take up of tariff bundles and options.

Strong growth of 40.5%, or 35.7% on an organic basis, was achieved in data revenue, primarily from a 61.5% rise in the number of mobile PC connectivity devices, including the successful launch of the Vodafone Mobile Connect USB modem in the business and consumer segments, coupled with the strong promotion of data tariffs across many European markets.

Fixed line revenue increased by 22.4%, or by 4.7% on an organic basis, with 12.5 percentage points of this reported growth being contributed by the acquisition of Tele2’s operations in Italy and Spain in December 2007. Organic growth was mainly due to the increase in Arcor’s service revenue. At 31 March 2008, Europe had 3.5 million fixed broadband customers.


At constant exchange rates, service revenue declined by 4.8%, mainly due to an 8.3% decrease in voice revenue resulting from a reduction in termination rates, the full year impact of significant tariff cuts introduced in the second half of the 2007 financial year and reduced roaming rates. This was partially offset by 32.1% growth in outgoing voice minutes, driven by a 9.1% increase in the average customer base and higher usage per customer. Messaging revenue fell 8.7% at constant exchange rates due to lower usage by prepaid customers and new tariffs with inclusive messages sent within the Vodafone network, which stimulated an 8.8% growth in volumes but was more than offset by the resulting lower rate per message. These falls were partially offset by 34.7% growth in data revenue at constant exchange rates, largely due to a 71.9% increase in the combined number of registered mobile PC connectivity devices and handheld business devices, particularly in the business segment, as well as increased Vodafone HappyLive! bundle penetration in the consumer segment.


Service revenue increased by 0.6%, as a 7.9% fall in voice revenue was offset by 17.2% and 38.8% increases in messaging and data revenue, respectively, all at constant exchange rates, as well as the contribution from the Tele2 acquisition in the second half of the year. On an organic basis, service revenue fell by 2.0%. The regulatory cancellation of top up fees and reduction in termination rates led to the fall in voice revenue but were partially mitigated by a 20.1% rise in outgoing voice usage, benefiting from a 23.2% increase in average consumer and business contract customers, successful promotions and initiatives driving usage within the Vodafone network, and elasticity arising from the top up fee removal. The success of targeted promotions and tariff options contributed to the 31.8% growth in messaging volumes, while the increase in data revenue was driven by a 108.0% growth in registered mobile PC connectivity devices.


Spain delivered service revenue growth of 9.7%, with 6.6% growth in voice revenue and 32.2% growth in data revenue, all at constant exchange rates, as well as the contribution from the Tele2 acquisition in the second half of the year. Organic growth in service revenue was 8.1%, with lower organic growth of 5.8% in the second half of the year resulting from a slowing average customer base in an increasingly competitive market. Outgoing voice and messaging revenue benefited from the 9.1% growth in the average customer base and an increase in usage volumes of 13.8% and 12.7%, respectively, driven by various usage stimulation initiatives. A 101.1% increase in registered mobile PC connectivity devices led to the increase in data revenue.


The UK recorded service revenue growth of 5.8%, with an 8.9% increase in the average customer base, following the success of the new tariff initiatives introduced in September 2006. Sustained market performance and increased penetration of 18 month contracts, leading to lower contract churn for the year, contributed to the growth in the customer base. Voice revenue remained stable as the lower prices were offset by a 16.6% increase in total usage. Messaging revenue increased by 21.4% following a 36.7% rise in usage, driven by the higher take up of messaging bundles. Growth of 29.8% was achieved in data revenue due to improved service offerings for business customers and the benefit of higher registered mobile PC connectivity devices.


Arcor generated an 8.5% increase in service revenue at constant exchange rates, principally driven by the growth in fixed broadband customers. Arcor’s own customers increased from 2.1 million to 2.4 million in the financial year and an additional 0.2 million customers were acquired through Vodafone Germany, bringing the closing German fixed broadband customer base to 2.6 million. The volume increase more than offset pricing pressure in the market. Revenue also benefited from strong growth in Arcor’s carrier business, including that with Vodafone Germany, which lowered overall Group costs.

Other Europe

Other Europe had service revenue growth of 6.9%, or 2.4% on an organic basis, with strong organic growth in data revenue of 44.0%. Portugal and the Netherlands delivered service revenue growth of 7.2% and 9.0%, respectively, at constant exchange rates, both benefiting from strong customer growth. These were mostly offset by a 6.2% decline in service revenue in Greece at constant exchange rates, which arose from the impact of termination rate cuts in June 2007 and the cessation of a national roaming agreement in April 2007.