What's Inside:
Bear Creek Eliminates Aged Waste
Pilgrim Station Awards Duratek Make-Up Water Contract
Callaway Awards Water Processing Contract to Duratek
Duratek Completes Reactor Decommissioning and Demolition Project at Los Alamos
LAW Pilot Melter Completes Feed Testing for RPP-WTP
How Duratek Is Responding to the Generation of Hotter Waste
Duratek Transports Reactor Pressure Vessel to Barnwell
Financial Highlights
Company Information
S A F E ,  S E C U R E  R A D I O A C T I V E  M A T E R I A L S  D I S P O S I T I O N
Bear Creek Eliminates Aged Waste
By 1999, Duratek had in place contracts to process the radioactive waste generated from the decommissioning of three nuclear power plants. To present an idea of how much waste that is, a decommissioning plant generates around 50 times more waste in weight than an operating plant. A large part of this increase comes from the dismantlement of the buildings and includes materials like concrete, metal, and large components. A great deal more waste was coming in than was being shipped out, and this waste began to accumulate on site.

The problem with the large quantities of waste was compounded by the fact that the processing services were competitively and aggressively bid, leaving little room for delays and error. In fact, the Commercial Processing group contributed to significant losses to Duratek as a corporation both in years 2000 and 2001, primarily because of the issues associated with aged waste. (Aged waste is material that has not been processed within 365 days.) Starting in 2001, Duratek was left with approximately two million pounds of aged waste: a huge challenge, and a significant concern for both customers and our shareholders.

Beyond implementing new waste processing strategies, Duratek took comprehensive and aggressive corrective actions, including organization and management changes, new accounting and tracking systems, and other cost reductions. An empowered and motivated team faced its aged waste challenge. Throughout 2002, Duratek reduced the aged waste inventory and achieved ZERO aged waste at the end March 2003, where it has since remained.

In accordance with the continuous improvement philosophy and to enhance excellence in customer care, Duratek is proud to report that with the elimination of aged waste it has substantially improved the average waste processing times, reducing cycle time by approximately 50 percent since 2001. The approximate 100-day cycle time provides Duratek with optimum resource leveling, allowing time to schedule, plan, and campaign specialty waste streams along with the routine waste processing. In addition, this cycle time reduction (1) reduces costs for storage, containers, tracking, surveys, etc.; (2) allows more accurate invoicing; and (3) addresses customer concerns regarding liabilities associated with unprocessed waste and the potential for double payment.

Duratek is proud of the fact that the Commercial Processing Group recovered and delivered on commitments to its customers at no additional cost. With the improved controls in place, Duratek is now cost-effectively processing more waste, with less people, in less time. Duratek is here for long-term industry needs helping to cost-effectively mitigate the risk of dispositioning radioactive materials.