What's Inside:
Bear Creek Eliminates Aged Waste
Pilgrim Station Awards Duratek Make-Up Water Contract
Callaway Awards Water Processing Contract to Duratek
Duratek Completes Reactor Decommissioning and Demolition Project at Los Alamos
LAW Pilot Melter Completes Feed Testing for RPP-WTP
How Duratek Is Responding to the Generation of Hotter Waste
Duratek Transports Reactor Pressure Vessel to Barnwell
Financial Highlights
Company Information
S A F E ,  S E C U R E  R A D I O A C T I V E  M A T E R I A L S  D I S P O S I T I O N
How Duratek Is Responding to the Generation of Hotter Waste

Waste generated at U.S. commercial nuclear power plants is getting hotter. Factors contributing to these higher levels of radioactivity include shorter outage schedules, aging plants, and more controls to prevent clean material from entering radiologically controlled areas. Aside from increasing bonding, sureties, and insurance for special high-rad storage areas, Duratek has responded with several initiatives in order to meet the changing needs of its customers:

  • Increased Curie possession limits to allow receipt of the material to meet customers' scheduling needs
  • Increased high-rad campaigns to meet throughput requirements
  • Instituted more rigorous radiological controls and dose-management training for personnel
  • Increased security provisions at facilities by nearly doubling the number of security personnel
  • Added additional shielded containers to fleet
  • Added high-rad liquid processing capabilities
  • Added a high-rad off-loading facility to reduce the number of cask rental days, thereby reducing costs for customers
  • Added new equipment such as remote handling tools and glove boxes Duratek expects the trend of hotter and more concentrated wastes to continue, which requires the fine balancing act of managing dose and not concentrating the waste to a point where disposal options become limited or impossible.
Duratek has been able to anticipate and successfully manage waste to meet industry needs. In addition, the Company has reduced exposure to its personnel through improved processing techniques and training while processing these wastes. Future plans include the expansion of Duratek's ability to process specialty waste streams employing more innovative and cost-effective techniques.