What's Inside:
Bear Creek Eliminates Aged Waste
Pilgrim Station Awards Duratek Make-Up Water Contract
Callaway Awards Water Processing Contract to Duratek
Duratek Completes Reactor Decommissioning and Demolition Project at Los Alamos
LAW Pilot Melter Completes Feed Testing for RPP-WTP
How Duratek Is Responding to the Generation of Hotter Waste
Duratek Transports Reactor Pressure Vessel to Barnwell
Financial Highlights
Company Information
S A F E ,  S E C U R E  R A D I O A C T I V E  M A T E R I A L S  D I S P O S I T I O N
Duratek Complets Reactor Decommissioning and Demolition Project at Los Alamos

In June 2003, Duratek completed the Omega West Reactor Decontamination and Demolition Project, a high- profile waste management services project at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) as a key member of the WGI-Framatome-ANP team.The project was funded by Cerro Grande Rehabilitation Project (CGRP), which was created, in part, to support environmental restoration activities following the May 2000 Cerro Grande Fire, in Los Alamos, New Mexico.

Duratek supervised all waste management activities including waste characterization, packaging procurement and management, transportation, and disposal of all waste generated during the project. In addition, Duratek provided technical support and operations assistance to LANL for low-level waste disposed of on site. The project was an excellent example of safety, quality, innovation and excellence in customer care. Resources were brought together from across Duratek to make this complex project happen safely, under budget, and ahead of schedule.

Types of services included teaming agreement and contract origination support; provision of shipping casks and liners, specialized container procurement, on-site cask handling and shipping support; waste disposition containers; transportation; and quality assurance. A summary of waste disposition services follows:

  • Characterized, packaged, and transported to disposal roughly 30,000 cubic feet of low-level radioactive waste (approximately 11,000 cubic feet was sent to an off-site commercial disposal facility and the balance was disposed of at LANL's radioactive waste disposal facility)
  • Compliantly packaged and disposed of about 2,700 curies of radioactive waste
  • Managed the disposition of a highly radioactive (8,000 Curie) beryllium reflector reactor component
  • Shipped about 400 cubic feet of low-level radioactive lead for treatment and disposal
  • Managed various types and quantities of hazardous waste
On June 25, representatives of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) visited the Omega West Reactor D&D project. The DNFSB toured the facility and received briefings. LANL Cerro Grande Program and Project Management reported that the DNFSB were impressed with the planning and execution of the overall project. Duratek is very pleased to have been a safe, profitable and successful teaming member in the Omega West Project.