By the end of 1999, HealthExtras emerged as an established, publicly traded company with over 100,000 members and annualized revenue in excess of $15 million.






Nineteen ninety-nine was an important and productive year for HealthExtras. At the beginning of the year, HealthExtras was a development stage company with a handful of employees and no revenue. By the end of the year, HealthExtras emerged as an established, publicly traded company with over 100,000 members and annualized revenue in excess of $15 million.

Building on 1998's market research and product development efforts, in 1999 HealthExtras began addressing the huge, underserved market for affordable health and disability insurance.

  • 40 million American families do not have health insurance,
  • 60% of health plans limit benefits to $1 million or less…exposing families to significant financial risk from a major medical event, and
  • 66% of Americans have no long-term disability insurance.

For most families access to inexpensive catastrophic insurance has not been available because of the traditional broker distribution system. Brokers are compensated as a percentage of premium; accordingly, they are not incentivized to sell low-priced insurance. HealthExtras eliminates the broker barrier by capturing the operating efficiencies and vast reach of the Internet.

Throughout 1999, HealthExtras entered into marketing relationships with the largest financial institutions and associations to drive consumers and small businesses to our web site and promote HealthExtras' health and disability insurance. Through these collaborative marketing relationships, HealthExtras reaches over 60 million households and 4 million small businesses, while avoiding the broker distribution system and the costly proposition of relying solely on expensive television, print and radio advertisements to drive sales.

In December, 1999 HealthExtras raised $55 million through an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of 5.5 million shares. With the IPO, of course, comes increased accountability to our shareholders. Recognizing this, HealthExtras employees - from our senior management to our customer care representatives - are committed to increasing our value to shareholders by increasing our value to customers. To that end, we achieved a number of key objectives:

  • We defined a profitable business model…our variable revenues exceed our variable expenses.
  • We refined a value proposition utilizing Christopher Reeve that resonates with consumers and small businesses.
  • We added top-quality insurance partners and diversified our product portfolio.

We will continue to build on these accomplishments to become the leading source for affordable health and disability insurance for consumers and small businesses.

Lastly, along with you, I am disappointed in the recent performance of our stock price. Unfortunately, HealthExtras has been categorized with a number of e-health companies that are focused on owning "space" rather than making a profit. HealthExtras has a sound business model, we do not sell information or banner ads; we sell a product that is inherently profitable. We will continue to execute our business strategy and our stock price will take care of itself.

Thank you for your support.


David T. Blair,
Chief Executive Officer

About HealthExtras | Letter to Shareholders | Addressing the Need
Raising Awareness | Becoming the Preferred Source |Board of Directors | 1999 Financial Review