Base Salary

Base Salary


When the committee determines the executive officers' base salaries during the first quarter of the year, the committee takes into account each officer's role and level of responsibility at the company. In general, executive officers with the highest level of responsibility have the lowest percentage of their compensation fixed as base salary and the highest percentage of their compensation at risk. The committee strives to have the majority of the executive officers' compensation at risk. Based on market data, the committee believes that in 2007 the base salaries of the listed officers were, on average, below the 25th percentile of our peer group companies. The committee believes the 25th percentile is an appropriate target for base salaries because the committee strives to have performance-based compensation be a substantial majority of executive officers' total compensation. Base salary represents a small percentage of total cash compensation (20% in 2007) and total compensation (7% in 2007) for the listed officers.

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