Other Compensation Policies

Other Compensation Policies


Personal Benefits.

The committee supports the goal of management to maintain an egalitarian culture in its facilities and operations. Intel's executive officers are not entitled to operate under different standards than other employees. Intel does not have programs for providing personal benefit perquisites to executive officers, such as permanent lodging or defraying the cost of personal entertainment or family travel. The company provides air and other travel for Intel's executive officers for business purposes only. Intel's company-operated aircraft hold approximately 40 passengers and are used in regularly scheduled shuttle routes between Intel's major U.S. facility locations, and Intel's use of non-commercial aircraft on a time-share or rental basis is limited to appropriate business-only travel. Intel's health care, insurance, and other welfare and employee benefit programs are essentially the same for all eligible employees, including executive officers, although the details of the programs may vary by country. Intel shares the cost of health and welfare benefits with its employees, a cost that is dependent on the level of benefits coverage that each employee elects. Intel's employee loan programs are not available to Intel's executive officers. Intel has no outstanding loans of any kind to any of its executive officers.

Stock Ownership Guidelines.

Because the committee believes in linking the interests of management and stockholders, the Board has set stock ownership guidelines for Intel's executive officers. The ownership guidelines specify a number of shares that Intel's executive officers must accumulate and hold within five years of the later of the effective date of the guidelines or the date of appointment or promotion as an executive officer. The following table lists the specific share requirements. Stock options and unvested RSUs do not count toward satisfying these ownership guidelines. Each of our listed officers had either satisfied these ownership guidelines or had time remaining to do so as of December 29, 2007.

    CEO   Chairman   CFO   Executive Vice President   Senior Vice President
Minimum Number of Shares   250,000   150,000   125,000   100,000   65,000

Intel Policies Regarding Claw-Backs.

Intel's 2007 Executive Officer Incentive Plan and 2006 Equity Incentive Plan include standards for seeking the return (claw-back) from executive officers of cash incentive payments and stock sale proceeds in the event that they had been inflated due to financial results that later had to be restated. The 2007 Executive Officer Incentive Plan and 2006 Equity Incentive Plan were approved by stockholders and were included in the 2007 Proxy Statement for the 2007 annual meeting, which can be found at www.intel.com/intel/annualreports.

Tax Deductibility.

Section 162(m) of the tax code places a limit of $1 million on the amount of compensation that Intel may deduct in any one year with respect to its CEO and each of the next four most highly compensated executive officers. Certain performance-based compensation approved by stockholders is not subject to this deduction limit. Intel structured its 2006 Equity Incentive Plan with the intention that stock options awarded under this plan would qualify for tax deductibility. However, in order to maintain flexibility and promote simplicity in the administration of these arrangements, other compensation such as RSUs and payments under the 2007 Executive Officer Incentive Plan are not designed to qualify for tax deductibility.

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