Other Director Compensation Programs

Other Director Compensation Programs


Director Stock Ownership Guidelines.

The Board has established stock ownership guidelines for the non-employee directors. Within five years of joining the Board, the director must acquire and hold at least 15,000 shares of Intel common stock. After each succeeding five years of Board service, non-employee directors must own an additional 5,000 shares (for example, 20,000 shares after 10 years of service). Unexercised stock options and unvested RSUs do not count toward this requirement. As of December 29, 2007, each director had either satisfied these ownership guidelines or had time remaining to do so.


Intel has a deferred compensation plan that allows non-employee directors to defer their cash and equity compensation. The Cash Deferral Election allows participants to defer up to 100% of their cash compensation and receive an investment return on the deferred funds as if the funds were invested in Intel common stock. Participants receive credit for reinvestment of dividends under this option. Plan participants must elect irrevocably to receive the deferred funds either in a lump sum or in equal annual installments over five or 10 years, and to begin receiving distributions either at retirement or at a future date not less than 24 months from the election date. This deferred cash compensation is an unsecured obligation for Intel. None of the directors chose the Cash Deferral Election with respect to their 2007 fees. The RSU Deferral Election allows directors to defer their RSUs until termination of service. This election must be 100% or 0% and applies to all RSUs granted during the year. Deferred RSUs count toward Intel's stock ownership guidelines once they vest. Directors do not receive dividends on deferred RSUs. Ambassador Barshefsky and Dr. Shaw participated in the RSU Deferral Election program in 2007.

In 1998, the Board ended its retirement program for independent directors. Non-employee directors serving at that time were vested with the number of years served. They will receive an annual benefit equal to the annual retainer fee in effect at the time of payment, to be paid beginning upon the director's departure from the Board. The payments will continue for the lesser of the number of years served as a non-employee director or the life of the director. The amounts in the "Change in Pension Value and Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Earnings" column in the Director Summary Compensation table represent the actuarial increase in pension value accrued under this program. Assumptions used in determining these increases include a discount rate of 5.6%, a retirement age of 65 or current age if older, RP2000 Mortality Table projected to 2007, and an annual benefit amount of $75,000.

Travel Expenses.

Intel does not pay meeting fees. We reimburse the directors for their travel and related expenses in connection with attending Board meetings and Board-related activities, such as Intel site visits and sponsored events, as well as continuing education programs.

Charitable Matching.

Directors' charitable contributions to schools and universities that meet the guidelines of Intel's employee charitable matching gift program are eligible for matching funds of up to $10,000 per director per year, which is the same limit for employees generally.

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