Director Summary Compensation

Director Summary Compensation


The following table details the total compensation of Intel's non-employee directors for the year ended December 29, 2007.

Name   Fees Earned
or Paid
in Cash
  Change in Pension Value
and Non-Qualified
Deferred Compensation
Charlene Barshefsky   75,000(2)   66,200     141,200
Susan L. Decker   75,000       42,000     117,000
D. James Guzy   95,000       140,200     235,200
Reed E. Hundt   85,000       124,100     209,100
James D. Plummer   85,000       66,200     151,200
David S. Pottruck   95,000       140,200     235,200
Jane E. Shaw   95,000       140,200     235,200
John L. Thornton   75,000       66,200     141,200
David B. Yoffie   95,000       169,200   10,000   274,200
  775,000       954,500   10,000   1,739,500
(1) Grant date fair value of RSUs granted in 2007: $140,200 for each director other than Ms. Decker ($209,900), who received a prorated grant for the 2007 compensation cycle upon joining the Board in 2006, and Dr. Yoffie ($169,200), who received an additional grant as Lead Independent Director. Because awards to Mr. Guzy, Mr. Pottruck, Dr. Shaw, and Dr. Yoffie would accelerate in full upon their retirement under the terms of the awards, we recognized all of the compensation expense associated with their 2007 RSUs at the time of grant.
(2) Ambassador Barshefsky received 1,485 RSUs on July 19, 2007 in lieu of one-half of her annual cash retainer. She will receive her remaining RSUs in July 2008 for the other half of her retainer. These shares vest in equal annual installments over three years.

Fees Earned or Paid in Cash.

Directors receive cash fees in quarterly installments so that adjustments can be made during the year. Directors forfeit unpaid portions of cash retainers upon termination, retirement, disability, or death. The following table provides a breakdown of fees earned or paid in cash.

Name   Annual Retainers
  Committee Chair
  Audit Committee
Member Fees
Charlene Barshefsky   75,000   —         75,000
Susan L. Decker   75,000   —         75,000
D. James Guzy   75,000   10,000       10,000   95,000
Reed E. Hundt   75,000   10,000         85,000
James D. Plummer   75,000   —       10,000   85,000
David S. Pottruck   75,000   10,000(1)   10,000   95,000
Jane E. Shaw   75,000   20,000         95,000
John L. Thornton   75,000   —         75,000
David B. Yoffie   75,000   20,000         95,000
(1) Mr. Pottruck chairs the Retirement Plans Investment Policy Committee. The Finance Committee appoints the members of that committee, which includes company officers. This committee is responsible for adopting and amending investment policies for our U.S. employee retirement plans.

Under the RSU in Lieu of Cash Election program, directors can elect annually to receive all of their cash compensation in the form of RSUs. This election must be 100% or 0%, and must be made in the tax year prior to receiving compensation. The Board grants RSUs elected in lieu of cash on the same grant date and with the same vesting terms as the annual RSU grant to directors. Ambassador Barshefsky participated in this program in 2007.

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