Integrity is one of Bunge's core values. We are fair in all of our dealings, and we adhere to high standards
of ethical conduct.
Bunge Limited is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:BG).
Bunge's Code of Ethics states our principles of
business ethics and the minimum requirements of business conduct for all Bunge directors, officers and employees. In addition, Bunge employees around the world must follow principles of conduct expressly defined in the employee handbook at their respective operating companies.
The Code of Ethics covers conflicts of interest, compliance with local laws, fair dealing and integrity, and the protection and proper use of Bunge assets, among other topics. The members of the Bunge Executive Committee are responsible for
implementing and monitoring compliance with
the code in their respective Bunge companies.
Our corporate governance policies and practices enhance our accountability, integrity and transparency. Bunge's board of directors promotes both legal compliance and the highest standards of honesty
and ethical behavior throughout our company.
Our board's Corporate Governance and Nominations Committee is responsible for monitoring, advising and making recommendations to the board with respect to the law and practice of corporate governance and the duties and responsibilities of directors of public companies, as well as overseeing our corporate governance initiatives and related policies.
To maintain objective oversight of management, the board consists of a substantial majority of independent directors. The directors meet in regularly scheduled executive sessions without management present, and the board's key committees are composed solely of independent directors. Directors meet stringent definitions of independence that limit their past employment with Bunge, compensation arrangements and business transactions with Bunge.