New Jersey - Helping the Less Fortunate
Eva's Village is a social service agency in Paterson, NJ, with a mission to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, treat the addicted and provide medical care to the poor. Eva's Village recently renovated an old building into a housing and rehabilitation facility for single mothers and their children. BD funded a bedroom in the facility and matched donations raised by our associates, who also helped furnish the room with decorations to make it more comfortable.
Spain - Lifting the Spirits of Young Cancer Patients
BD associates in Spain donated $15,500 to support summer camps for children with cancer, organized by the local cancer foundation in Lerida, Spain. Located in Spain's Catalonia region, the summer camps are designed to host more than 100 children, aged six to 15, affected by cancer.
UK - Supporting Cancer Research
A group of BD associates in Oxford participated in a 10K charity run, raising Ģ1,120 for cancer research. With 285,000 new cases of cancer diagnosed each year in the UK, the donation will go toward helping researchers identify ways to better understand, prevent, diagnose and treat malignancies.
California - Raising Awareness of Blood Cancers
Our associates in San Jose, California, raised more than $53,000, including Company match, in two months for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society'sŪ Light The NightŪ Walk, a two-mile walk held throughout North America to raise funds for lifesaving blood cancer research. A group of 90 BD associates, family members and friends participated. Associates also raised money through bake sales, a farmer's market and craft fair.
Puerto Rico - Helping Senior Citizens
Continuing a holiday tradition, BD associates in Cayey, Puerto Rico, visited seniors at a local care facility, to deliver gift baskets and a new television, and share traditional holiday songs with the residents.