Herbert S. Wander
Partner, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
Chairman, Compensation Committee
Member, Audit Committee
Gregory P. Josefowicz
Consultant and Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Borders Group, Inc.
Member, Compensation Commitee
Kenneth R. Meyers
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, TDS
Chief Accounting Officer, U.S. Cellular and TDS Telecom
Mitchell H. Saranow
Chairman, The Saranow Group
Member, Audit Committee
Member, Corporate Governance Committee
LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr.
President and Chief Executive Officer, TDS
Member, Corporate Governance Committee
Walter C.D. Carlson
Chairman (non-executive), TDS
Partner, Sidley Austin LLP
Chairman, Corporate Governance Committee
LeRoy T. Carlson
Director Emeritus, TDS
Christopher D. O’Leary
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer–International, General Mills, Inc.
Member, Compensation Committee
Letitia G. C. Carlson, MD
Physician and Associate Clinical Professor, George Washington University Medical Center
Donald C. Nebergall
Member, Audit Committee
George W. Off
Chairman and Former Chief Executive Officer, Checkpoint Systems
Chairman, Audit Committee
Member, Compensation Committee
James Barr III
Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, TDS Telecom
(Not Pictured)
Prudence E. Carlson
Private Investor