New tools for solutions

In fiscal 2007, we continued to add to our service capabilities. We opened Geek Squad City in Louisville, Ky., to offer faster computer repair services for our customers and to improve our ability to make complicated repairs. We also benefited from investments in routing and scheduling systems to shorten customer wait times and boost productivity. At year end we employed 10,000 Geek Squad agents, 3,000 home theater installers and 3,000 vehicle installers.

Satisfied customers

We see our role as fulfilling the promise of technology for our customers. As the complexity of products escalates, customers need help making all the "stuff" work. We believe that a truly customer-centric company focuses on the number of satisfied customers after a product or service purchase-not just making a sale.

Consider a customer who buys the ability to e-mail digital pictures to family and friends versus a customer who buys a digital camera. Consider a customer who buys an installed and secured wireless computer network-that actually works-versus a customer that buys a notebook computer. Delivering these experiences is our focus.

This focus requires a fundamental change in how we interact with customers-and is core to customer centricity. It begins with enabling the customer to research and select the right product and service for her lifestyle and ends with that desired experience coming to life. We have invested in our service capabilities to enable us to deliver on this promise and believe that we are better positioned than ever before. We believe that consistently delivering individualized full solutions sets us apart from the competition, builds customer loyalty and extends our growth options.

Added capabilities driving growth

Our commitment to offering customers full solutions paid off. Our High-Definition Advantage program coupled with our well-trained home theater installers enabled us to grow flat-panel market share and improve key customer satisfaction metrics. Likewise, Geek Squad allowed us to offer our customers data migration, new PC optimization and a smoother transition to Microsoft's new operating system, Vista™.