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CEO’s Report



ANZ is now a more predictable organisation for shareholders and a better place for our customers to do business.

Three years after setting out our super regional ambition, our 2010 results have demonstrated that ANZ is now consistently delivering on the promises we made to our shareholders as well as to our customers and the community.

While our statutory profit for the full year was $4.5 billion, up 53% our underlying business has performed strongly across the board. We reported an underlying net profit1 after tax of $5 billion which was up 33%.

Our performance was assisted by the improved economic environment in Australia and New Zealand, and by Asia's continued growth. The improved credit environment saw provisions for bad and doubtful debts fall by 41% to $1.8 billion. Importantly though, we had good growth in underlying profit1 before provisions which was up 6%.

Our balance sheet management remains a strength. We have a strong capital position and increasing diversity in our sources of funding including continued growth in deposits in Australia and in Asia.

Regional Performance

Distinctive Growth Strategy

Growing Sustainably

Our Operating Environment

Management Board
