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Five year summary
Financial performance1          
Net interest income 10,862 9,890 7,855 7,302 6,943
Other operating income 4,920 4,477 4,440 3,765 3,146
Operating expenses (6,971) (6,068) (5,406) (4,953) (4,605)
Profit before provisions and income tax 8,811 8,299 6,889 6,114 5,484
Provision for credit impairment (1,820) (3,056) (2,090) (567) (407)
Income tax expense and non-controlling interests (1,966) (1,471) (1,373) (1,623) (1,490)
Underlying profit1 5,025 3,772 3,426 3,924 3,587
Adjustments between statutory and underlying profit1 (524) (829) (107) 256 101
Profit attributable to shareholders of the Company 4,501 2,943 3,319 4,180 3,688
Financial position          
Assets 531,739 476,987 470,293 392,773 334,640
Net assets 34,155 32,429 26,552 22,048 19,906
Tier 1 capital ratio2 10.1% 10.6% 7.7% 6.7% 6.8%
Return on average ordinary equity3 13.9% 10.3% 14.5% 20.9% 20.7%
Return on average assets 0.9% 0.6% 0.8% 1.2% 1.1%
Cost to income (underlying)1 44.2% 42.2% 44.0% 44.9% 45.6%
Shareholder Value – Ordinary Shares          
Total return to shareholders
(share price movement plus dividends)
1.9% 40.3% -33.5% 15.6% 17.1%
Market capitalisation 60,614 61,085 38,263 55,382 49,331
Dividend 126 cents 102 cents 136 cents 136 cents 125 cents
Share price – 30 September closing price $23.68 $24.39 $18.75 $29.70 $26.86
Other Information          
Points of representation 1,394 1,352 1,340 1,327 1,265
Number of employees (full-time equivalent) 46,917 37,687 36,925 34,353 32,256
Number of shareholders4 411,692 396,181 376,813 327,703 291,262
1. Adjusted for material items that are not part of the normal ongoing operations of the Group including one-off gains and losses, non-continuing businesses, timing differences on economic hedges and acquisition related costs. 2. Basel II has been applied from 1 January 2008. Prior to that values were calculated using Basel I methodology. 3. Average ordinary shareholders' equity excludes non-controlling interests and preference share dividend. 4. Excludes employees whose only ANZ shares are held in trust under ANZ employee share schemes.