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Your ANZ

Your world



James Riley, Relationship Manager and Jenny Fan, Assistant Manager, Business Banking, Melbourne, Australia

Elizabeth Rova, Team Leader Rural Banking in Fiji, joins her colleagues delivering much needed basic banking services to rural and remote communities across the Pacific.

Mark Clover leads ANZ’s renewable energy Project Finance team which has been providing project finance for renewable energy projects for the past 18 years including Australia’s first completed wind farm at Challicum Hills, Victoria.

Katie Rattigan manages ANZ’s financial hardship programs, which have this year provided support to more than 10,000 customers facing financial difficulty.

Andrew Wilson-Annan, an executive in our Regional Commercial Banking business is also a Country Fire Authority (CFA) volunteer in Woodend, Victoria.

2010 Snapshot

1. Adjusted for material items that are not part of the normal ongoing operations of the Group including one-off gains and losses, non-continuing businesses, timing differences on economic hedges and acquisition related costs.

2. Taxes Borne: Immediate cost to ANZ; Impact to the profit and loss account. 3. Taxes Collected: No cost to ANZ. Collected from customers, suppliers and employees etc on behalf of the revenue authorities. 4. Includes policyholder tax of $215m.

Nguyen Kien Tri Nhan, Sales Officer, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • A top 5 listed company on the Australian Stock Exchange with over 400,000 shareholders and a market capitalisation of A$61 billion at 30 September 2010
  • A top 4 bank in Australia; the largest banking group in New Zealand and one of the 30 largest listed banks
  • ANZ has operated in the Asian region for more than 40 years and has the largest presence of any Australian bank in Asia and the Pacific
  • Assessed as the leading bank globally on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the 4th consecutive year and a member of the FTSE4Good
  • Long-term AA credit rated by Standard & Poor's and a long-term Aa1 rated by Moody's
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ANZ Corporate Responsibility
Framework and Priorities

ANZ's Corporate Responsibility framework guides our decisions, investments and initiatives.

Read more

All information contained within this document is for the
year ended 30 September 2010 unless otherwise stated.
All figures in AUD unless otherwise stated.
Chairman's Report CEO's Report

Annual Report

You may also like to view the full Annual Report, which is available for you to download as a PDF.

Alternately, you can view the same document as an interactive document.

2010 Annual Report

2010 Shareholder & Corporate
Responsibility Review (PDF)

Annual Report E-book