Discovery & Automation Products

In 2007,
30% of new chemistry systems
displaced competitors.

Pictured: Optima L-XP Series

Gary Jackson, Tactical Marketing,
Employee for 5 years.

Discovery and Automation products are comprised of automation systems for both clinical diagnostic and life science laboratories and a variety of life science research tools. Beckman Coulter is a leader in automation systems designed for the hospital market, Holding a 65% share in the US and a 50% share worldwide. The company also holds a 20% share of the life science liquid handling market. Beckman Coulter celebrated the 60th anniversary of centrifugation in 2006, with a worldwide leadership position of 30% of the market.

Capabilities: Total Clinical Lab Automation, Automated Sample Preparation, Robotics, Protein Preparation, Protein Fractionation, Protein Partitioning, Protein Characterization, Quality Control, Gene Expression, Genetic Analysis, Genotyping, Drug Discovery, DNA Sequencing, Particle Counting, pH Measurement, Spectrophotometry, Liquid Scintillation Counting,

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