Immunoassay Products
In 2007,
50% of new Immunoassay systems
displaced competitors.
Pictured: UniCel® Dxl 600 Access®
Immunoassay System.
Kelly Johnson, Commercial Operations,
Employee for 15 years.
Beckman Coulter’s major growth driver, Immunoassay testing, uses antibodies and
antigens to perform high sensitivity analysis of blood proteins. We have increased our
business more than ten-fold in the last ten years, and have about a 7% share of the $7
billion immunoassay testing market. Tuck-in acquisitions, licenses for new tests, and
internal development all contribute to our aggressive program of menu expansion.
*Available exclusively from Biosite or its authorized distributors for use on Beckman Coulter immunoassay systems. Triage and Biosite are registered trademarks of Biosite Incorporated, a subsidiary of Inverness Medical Innovations, Inc.
Tests: AccuTnI, CK-MB, Digoxin, Myoglobin, Triage BNP*, AFP, DHEA-S, Estradiol, hFSH, hLH, Inhibin A, Progesterone, Prolactin, Testosterone, Total BhCG, Unconjugated Estriol, CEA, BR Monitor, GI Monitor, OV Monitor, Hybritech® PSA, Hybritech Free PSA, Free T3, Total T3, Free T4, Total T4, hTSH, Thyroglobulin, TPO Ab, EPO, Ferritin, Folate, Intrinsic Factor Ab, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12,
Intact PTH, Ostase, Rubella IgG, Cortisol, Insulin,
Total IgE, HIV/HCV (outside U.S.)