For openness and integrity in accounting, governance and management, Cincinnati Financial was the highest scoring
large-cap company in Forbes' 2012 list of the 100 Most Trustworthy Companies in America.
We work to be trustworthy stewards who can deliver value well into the future. We seek to optimize the balance of risk and
return, of growth and underwriting discipline, and of current income needs and longer-term goals.
Nowhere is that approach more important or more evident than in our insurance reserves. For 24 consecutive years, favorable
reserve development has benefitted earnings as paid claims and updated estimates of claims settlements in process came in lower
than our initial conservative estimates. At the same time, we maintained total reserves consistently within the upper half of the
actuarially estimated range of likely amounts we will ultimately pay out to policyholders. At year-end 2012, our $9 billion of
fixed-maturity investments exceeded total insurance reserves by 39 percent, supporting policyholder confidence in our ability to
pay claims.