NWR successfully completed its SAFETY 2010 programme at the end of 2010. SAFETY 2010 entails the largest purchase of mining work equipment ever realised in the Czech Republic. This two-year project was primarily focused on replacing personal work wear and technical equipment with the latest innovations. The new equipment has not only improved safety but also general working conditions underground.

As in other technological fields, advances in science allow equipment to become more compact and lighter. For example, the new underground mining lamps are now half the size and weight of their predecessors, which makes a noticeable difference to the miners on a daily basis. Thanks to the use of NiMh dry accumulators, the new lamps have enhanced safety.

Furthermore, as part of NWR’s ongoing commitment to improving safety conditions, the Company has implemented stringent safety regulations, processes and monitoring systems at all its operations. Additionally, employees are encouraged to appreciate not only wider potential risks but also to have a greater sense of responsibility for their own safety and that of their colleagues. NWR runs several initiatives to promote a safer workplace, which are based on an improved dialogue between employees and senior staff in day-to-day operational life. These include ‘suggestion boxes’ for employees on ways to improve safety, working conditions and efficiency with the most viable ideas being rewarded.

As a result of the initaitves we have undertaken, the number of injuries at OKD, decreased by 22 per cent, from 346 injuries recorded in 2009 to 271 in 2010. Similarly, the LTIFR dropped from 12.00 to 9.13, exceeding the target set for 2010.