in 2005, and the percentage of jet-issued
policies, or those handled without human
intervention, was 56%. We began the
primary rollout of an enhanced version of
SmartApp, called SmartApp Next
GenerationSM, in 2005. Rollout completion is
scheduled for 2006, and this enhanced
version will help us further streamline the
enrollment process.
Our Billing Transformation Program (BTP)
was initiated in 2002 to strengthen our
processes and upgrade our technology to
more efficiently and accurately bill, reconcile
and service our payroll accounts. BTP
consists of several initiatives that focus on
automating service transactions and
providing self-service capability. At year-end,
33,500 payroll accounts were using Online
Billing, the highest profile component of
BTP. Online Billing simplifies the billing and
service process for accounts, enabling sales
associates to focus more on relationships
and sales growth. We believe that BTP will
benefit our company over the next several
years from an administrative standpoint.
We have also gained efficiencies through the
expansion of our Interactive Voice Response
(IVR) system. By handling simple tasks and
reducing the number of calls that customer
service representatives must take,
employees can focus on helping customers
resolve more complex issues. As a result,
our payroll accounts and policyholders
receive the high-quality service they deserve
and expect from Aflac.
We believe that adhering to a conservative
philosophy creates the best, most reliable
foundation from which we manage our
financial assets. In turn, we can fulfill the
promises we have made to our
policyholders. This approach also yields a
solid and dependable source of investment
income. Some investing highlights from
2005 include:
- Investments and cash were $7.0 billion at the
end of 2005, down 22.8% from 2004 due to a
lower level of securities lending.
- Net investment income rose 6.5%, from $396
million in 2004 to $421 million in 2005.
- The average yield on new investments was
6.16% in 2005, compared with 6.30% the
previous year.
Corporate debt securities again accounted for
the majority of our U.S. investments in 2005.
Based on amortized cost, 74.0% of our
holdings were rated A or better, and only
3.8% were rated below investment grade.
We believe the strengths that have
positioned Aflac as the leading producer of
supplemental insurance products at the
worksite are firmly established. Aflac's
product line provides relevant, valuable and
affordable benefits that make a difference in
consumers' lives. And we have a large and growing sales force that specializes in