1955 - 2005
Financial Highlights
Our Mission
A Slice of Life
Composition of Aflac's Market in Japan and the United States
Message From Management
Q & A With the CEO
Aflac Japan
Offered as PDF
Selected Financial Data
Management's Discussion and Analysis
Consolidated Financial Statements
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
Investor Information
Board of Directors and Management
Aflac Incorporated Annual Report for 2005

distributing products through the worksite. Our more than 354,700 payroll accounts represent just 6% of the 5.7 million small businesses in the United States, which suggests that there remains a vast, untapped market of potential payroll accounts. We believe Aflac is well-positioned to capitalize on the market opportunities that will result in stronger sales and financial results in the coming years. To accomplish that, we will:

  • Enhance our product lineWe will focus on identifying consumers' needs and develop products that address those needs.
  • Strengthen our distribution systemContinued expansion and support of our sales force and sales leadership is essential to reaching more potential consumers, and producing sustainable sales momentum.
  • Define the Aflac brandWhile brand awareness will always remain a priority, transforming consumer brand awareness into consumer brand understanding will help make our products more relevant to employers and their workers.
  • Improve efficiency through technologyWe will continue to employ state-of-the-art technology to control operating expenses and improve the services we offer our customers and sales associates.

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