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Real Time
Real Time
Real Time
Real Time
Real Time
Real Time
Real Time
Real Time

Corporate Information

Halliburton is a major participant in consortiums that are working to develop the common industry standards that will facilitate such relationships. This commitment is nothing new. Landmark Graphics’ openness in publishing and sharing its data model has long been considered an industry best practice.

Ultimately, many of the emergent upstream technologies, processes and solutions will come together in the next-generation oilfield. It goes under a variety of names: field of the future, smart field, e-field. By any name, it is digital, fully instrumented wells and fields controlled from a single visualization center and ready for monitoring on day one from anywhere in the world. In other words, Real Time Reservoir SolutionsSM for the life of the field. And it’s coming fast. Halliburton Energy Services’ sensor technology and advanced telemetry systems, combined with Landmark’s DecisionSpaceTM technology, provide a fully integrated approach and an improved method for risk evaluation and optimization of E&P assets. These technologies are among the building blocks.

Halliburton’s new adaptive field-development platform further extends the avenues for collaboration. Our integrated applications are allowing multi-discipline surface and subsurface teams to work together from a project’s outset, sharing knowledge, making better, faster decisions and maximizing the economic recovery of the reservoir.

The future that Halliburton envisions is an exciting one. We are extending the full range of our services, from surface to subsurface, to help our customers develop smart, timely and flexible business strategies.

We’ll see Halliburton and its suppliers and customers contributing much more to detailed designs. We’ll see an unprecedented exchange of information resulting from partners having jointly invested in compatible systems, portals and protocols. And we’ll see projects being worked on 24 hours a day in virtual reality.

In an interconnected environment, obstacles presented by harsh or sensitive environments will no longer exist for key knowledge workers. We will dissolve the barriers of time zones, geography and physical limitations. The only things we’ll need to consider will be our technologies and our customers’ and employees’ experience and knowledge.
