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If you truly want to understand an organization, look first at what it believes. At Halliburton, we are committed to technological leadership, operational excellence, innovative business relationships and a dynamic workforce. Just as important, we are highly committed to being accountable for the safety and well-being of our employees, the environment and the communities where we work. Reflected in our Code of Business Conduct, it’s also the way we live and conduct our daily business.

This commitment takes many forms. It’s in something as simple as beginning each meeting around the world with a safety message. It’s also in Halliburton’s list of global Health, Safety & Environment standards describing the minimum level of acceptable performance for everything from basic safety and environmental practices to ergonomics and administrative requirements. We regard these standards as a starting point, and we continually strive to exceed them.

We also believe in contributing to society. With a growing demand to respond to world disasters, Halliburton is often called on to deliver solutions to headline-making events. Following the attack on U.S. embassies in Africa and later on the USS Cole in Yemen, we improved facility security at embassies around the world and at military ports in the U.S.

Our contributions also happen on a more personal level. When flash floods in Luanda, Angola, killed several people and left thousands homeless, Halliburton employees joined forces with customers and competitors to pump approximately one million barrels of stagnant water from affected areas. And this past year in Kosovo, Halliburton employees provided funds for 22 playgrounds in communities, towns and villages.
