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Today, Halliburton’s new Web-based learning-management system contains more than 700 active courses and 400,000 training history records. This system enables us to launch e-learning, virtual classrooms and on-line interactive equipment simulators in a real time environment, not only to train our employees on our existing technology but also to help them leverage our emerging technologies.

By sharing the knowledge we have gained throughout the world in virtually every phase of the oil and gas life cycle, Halliburton is providing its customers with better, more cost-effective solutions. This is perhaps most visible in Halliburton’s global deepwater projects where knowledge communities, consisting of local solutions teams and global mirror teams, operate simultaneously.

During one ultra-deepwater project, a team encountered difficulties in gravel packing a horizontal well. While engineers began looking for the cause of the problem, the team sent an alert to other mirror teams. In Brunei, a team discovered that the same conditions had been present in two unexplained failures, helping to narrow the engineers’ investigations. Meanwhile, a team in Brazil was just beginning a similar type of well. Warned of the issue in time, the team was able to avoid failure and save the customer hundreds of thousands of dollars. And Halliburton then used its lessons learned to improve its processes.

Halliburton KBR is committed to extending its industry leadership to the next generation. The Impact Group, an organization for young engineers, combines professional development activities and a mentoring program that pairs its members with seasoned engineers. These mentors are helping new engineers establish a long-term career-development plan and plot the course that will take them where they can be successful.

With more than 80 years in business, Halliburton is a living organization. By employing these initiatives, and many more like them, we will continue to be a learning one for our customers and employees.
