The PBG Work Environment Worldwide Code of Conduct PBG

The PBG Work Environment

At PBG, we are committed to producing results with respect. The Company complies with employment laws and international human rights standards and works diligently to provide a positive, safe, and inclusive work environment.

Every PBG employee, agent, and director must adhere to our workplace policies outlined below. Violations of any of these policies must be reported immediately to your Human Resources Manager or by contacting the PBG Business Ethics Line. As with any report of a Code violation or concern, you will not be retaliated against for reporting an actual or potential workplace policy violation.

Equal Employment Opportunity

PBG provides equal employment opportunities for all employees and applicants in accordance with applicable employment laws. PBG’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment absolutely prohibit discrimination or harassment in violation of those laws. These policies apply to all Company activities including recruitment, hiring, firing, compensation, job assignment, training, and promotion.

Harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances as well as verbal or physical conduct that creates a hostile work environment based on a personal characteristic (e.g., race or gender). Complaints related to discrimination or harassment are taken seriously and will be promptly investigated. Employees found to have discriminated against or harassed others will be disciplined and may be terminated from PBG.

PBG complies with the applicable laws regarding disabled persons and veterans in all of our employment practices. If you need a special accommodation, please contact your Human Resources Manager.

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At PBG we ask our employees to be true to themselves and comfortable and encouraged to express their opinions and ideas. Diversity is essential to our long-term business goals and critical to becoming the kind of organization we want to be. Our diversity framework is centered around our employees, customers, consumers, community, and shareholders.

Diversity includes all differences that make PBG employees unique individuals, such as race, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, experience, work style, culture, age, language, disability, sexual orientation, and any other unique attribute that exists within our workplace.

Every employee must do his or her part in creating a truly inclusive environment where employees feel valued and encouraged to contribute to the business in a meaningful way. Everyone must be treated with respect.

At PBG, our people are our competitive advantage and diversity plays a role in everything we do. Understanding the markets that we serve begins with our ability to attract and retain top talent with different skill sets and backgrounds. Doing so will ensure that we are the employer, bottler, beverage, and investment of choice.

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Human Rights

As a multi-national employer, PBG is committed to maintaining fundamental human rights at all of our locations. We are guided by the United Nations International Labor Organization’s core priorities for human rights in the workplace:

  • Freedom of association;
  • The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor;
  • The elimination of discrimination; and
  • The effective abolition of child labor.

PBG is committed to full compliance with national and local employment laws and respects international labor standards. We offer great job opportunities, maintain high standards of workplace health and safety, encourage employees to get involved in workplace activities, and provide numerous employee development opportunities.

We expect our vendors and suppliers to ensure their own compliance with international human rights standards.

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Workplace Safety

PBG is committed to providing its employees with a safe and comfortable work environment. We have introduced programs to prevent injury and property damage, invested in technologies to ensure our employees and assets are secure, and continue to meet regulatory and ethical standards in the communities where we do business. It is the responsibility of everyone at PBG to comply with all applicable safety, health, and transportation laws and to cooperate fully with any governmental investigation or audit.

PBG’s commitment to employee safety is also reflected in the Company’s “zero tolerance” Workplace Violence Policy. The Company’s Workplace Violence Policy expressly prohibits (1) acts of violence, (2) threatening communications or behavior, and (3) the use or possession of weapons by any person on PBG property, in the trade, on Company business, or on Company time.

You should report immediately to your supervisor or Human Resources Manager any threat or potential for violence. You should also report any other working condition that is unsafe or threatens the quality of a PBG product. Any of these threats or concerns may also be reported to the PBG Business Ethics Line.

For more information about specific safety policies, contact your Safety Manager or, in locations other than the U.S. and Canada, the designated person for your location.

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Drug-free Workplace

Drug and alcohol use pose unacceptable risks to employee safety and Company operations. PBG’s Drug-Free Workplace Policy forbids the use, storage, or possession of illegal drugs on Company property or by PBG employees at any time. Further, this policy prohibits employees and agents from being at work while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. In order to ensure a safe environment, where applicable, PBG has a testing program that includes preplacement, random, post-accident, and “for cause” drug and alcohol testing.

If you believe you may have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, you should call PrivateLine, the Employee Assistance Program at one of the following numbers:

  • United States: 800-646-5608
  • Canada, English: 800-387-4765
  • Canada, French: 800-361-5676
All calls are completely confidential.

You can obtain copies of the workplace policies for your location from your Human Resources Manager.

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QA coworker of mine told me that she is uncomfortable with certain comments she received from some of the men in her department. She is afraid to say anything about her concerns because she doesn’t want it to be held against her. What should I do?

AYou should immediately report your coworker’s concerns to your Human Resources Manager or by calling the PBG Business Ethics Line. Reporting discrimination and harassment is necessary in order to maintain a respectful work environment.

QI think I’ve become dependent on prescription pain medication. I think I may need help, but I’m afraid to talk to anyone because I don’t want to lose my job. Where can I go for help?

AIf you believe you may have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, you should call PrivateLine, the Employee Assistance Program. All calls are completely confidential.

QAfter having an argument with a coworker, he began threatening me. I feel unsafe leaving the facility at the end of my shift. What should I do?

AYou should immediately report your concern to your supervisor or Human Resources Manager. Workplace violence, which includes threatening communication or behavior, will not be tolerated here at PBG.