- Letter from the President/CEO
- PBG Mission Statement
- Business Ethics Line Numbers
- Things to consider as you read and apply our Worldwide Code of Conduct
- Enforcing Business Ethics and Legal Compliance
- Reporting a Violation
- Waivers and Amendments
- Conducting Business with Integrity
- The PBG Work Environment
- Trade Practices
- Product Quality and Environmental Protection
- Use and Protection of PBG’s Assets
- Insider Trading
- Community Relations and Political Participation
Reporting a Violation
You should report an actual or potential violation of this Code to your Human Resources Manager, the PBG Business Ethics Line, the PBG Office of Compliance, or the designated person for your international location (see below).
Violations or concerns related to accounting, internal control, or auditing matters may be reported by calling the PBG Business Ethics Line or by writing to the PBG Office of Compliance. If you are located outside the U.S. and Canada, you may also contact your designated person: in the Russian Federation, the Organization Capabilities Manager; in Greece, the Chief Financial Officer; and in Spain, Turkey and Mexico, the Controller. You should try to provide enough information for PBG to investigate properly. While the report will be considered confidential, there may be instances when more information is required to complete an investigation. In those cases, you will be contacted, but again, the contact will be handled with discretion and confidentiality. Reports made to the PBG Business Ethics Line or the PBG Office of Compliance may be made anonymously.
Each employee, director, and officer is required to cooperate fully with internal investigations of actual or potential violations of the Code.
PBG will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who contacts the PBG Office of Compliance, the PBG Business Ethics Line, or his or her designated person with a concern or violation report in good faith. Open communication without fear of retribution is vital to the successful implementation of the Code.